Page 74 of Fallen Rider

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A small curve of his lips is the only response he gives to that.

“It’s a dangerous line to straddle,” Slade warns.

“Yeah, but life is dangerous, and short. For what it’s worth, you have my blessing,” Derek tells me.

I didn’t need it, but having it relieves some of the pressure on my shoulders. I hug him awkwardly because of my wound and then sign, “Thank you.”

“He’s a good boy, Dane, but you know you’ll always have a home here, no matter what, no matter how long you’re gone. Kingsley will always be your home, girl.”

I beam at him, then I turn to Slade. “Sort things out with Clara. She needs you.”

He arches a brow. “How about you worry about your own shit and leave me to worry about mine?”

I smile and slip off the stool. Having the backing of my family relieves the pressure.
