Page 73 of Fallen Rider

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“Why? You looking to come?”

“Just curious.”

I try to hide myself in the background, aware that my face is still messed up. Somehow the Club managed to keep my hospitalisation off the record and avoid the police. I don’t know how, but the Devils have a bigger reach than the Saxons. But the last thing we need is for the good DCI to start digging around. Jamie and Sammy discretely move their seats so they’re blocking me from sight.

“Why’s this dick always looking for ways to bring us down?” Jamie mutters.

“He’s got nothing better to do,” Beth tells her. “Just keep quiet and let them get on with it.”

“I hope those boys are clean,” Sofia says under her breath.

Me too.

The raid takes over two hours to complete and by that time, I’m getting sore and in need of more pain meds. I don’t complain or say a word, though. I know what is at stake here. One wrong move could bring down both the Saxons and the Devils.

Morgan stops trying to engage an unwilling Derek and Slade in conversation, as an officer steps into the room. He pushes up from his perch at the bar and when the officer doesn’t say anything, Morgan scowls.

“I will get to the bottom of this,” he mutters, the threat hanging darkly over the room.

Then he leaves.

“Nice chat,” Weed yells after him.

But the room breathes a collective sigh of relief that it’s done. Morgan will be back—he can’t help himself—but for now we dodged a bullet.

As soon as the room is empty of police, I reach into my bag and pull some pain meds from the prescription bottle.

“You doing okay?” Sofia asks.

“Sore,”I sign.

She grabs me a drink from the bar and returns.

I take the tablets, swallowing them down with the drink.

“Kenzie,” Derek signals to me, “a word.”

My stomach feels like a rock dropped into it. I know what this is about. It’s about Dane and me.

I push up, careful not to jostle my healing wound and make my way over to Derek and Slade who are still seated by the bar. He gestures for me to take a seat, his eyes roaming over my face.

“How you doing, kid?”

I nod. Then sign, “Some days are better than others.”

I don’t know why I’m candid with him, but Derek has a way with people.

“I’m sorry you got hurt. I never wanted that to happen.”

“I know.”

“We do need to discuss the elephant in the room though. You and Dane.”

“I won’t give him up,”I quickly sign and Derek holds up a hand.

“I’m not asking that.” He considers me. “It’s serious between you both?”

“I love him.”

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