Page 59 of Fallen Rider

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“You can’t take her,” Sofia snaps, and I inwardly curse my mouthy little sister. “Why do you even want her?”

“That’s not for you to worry about.” She points the gun between me and the door. “Move now, or I’ll start shooting.”

Fear she might be deranged enough to try, considering she already shot Lucas, has me moving, my hands still raised at my sides. I give my friends, my family a look I hope is reassuring, trying to ignore the concern reflected back at me. I’m not stupid. I know this is not going to end well—not for me at any rate. I peek at Lucas, and all I can see is red staining his front. Bile fills my stomach.

“Move, bitch,” Lola mutters, poking the gun into my spine and I step forward.

I’ll do what I have to in order to keep everyone else safe, to protect my mum and my sister, to protect my sisters-in-law and women I value as sisters. I’ll sacrifice whatever to keep them breathing.

Although, I’m not going down without a fight either.

She shoves me out of the room and I stumble, nearly losing my footing. Then she gives me a push to get moving. We head down the corridor to a part of the clubhouse I don’t recognise. I’ve not been down here before.

Lola doesn’t speak the whole time which only serves to heighten my anxiety. Usually, in the movies, this is the part where they spill their whole sordid plan. Lola looks like she’s going to break that mould and keep silent, which only adds to my fear. Why’d she pick me?

We come to a metal door and she gestures at it with the gun. “Open it.”

I do, and we step out into a small gated area that abuts the street. I can’t see any sign of Reapers or the Devils, but I can hear the gunfight taking place in another part of the clubhouse, and that scares me.

There’s a van parked across the street that looks suspicious, and I’m proved right when the side sliding door opens and I see a masked person step out.

My fear shoots through the roof as I back up, but the door behind me has no handle on the outside, meaning it can only be opened from the inside. It’s probably a security feature for the clubhouse, but right now, it’s my downfall. I have nowhere to go.

My heart rate shifts from a canter to a gallop and I wipe my sweaty palms on my thighs. I’m so screwed, and I can’t even scream for help. There’s nothing around that I can use to make noise either.


The masked man comes towards us and hisses at Lola, “The deal was you bring them all. Where’s the rest?”

“Trust me, sugar,” she practically purrs, “you won’t need the rest. This bitch is Dane’s old lady. She’s also the Harlows’ sister. You’ve got someone important to both clubs and that’s the best prize. Now, where’s my money?”

My heart sinks. She sold out her club, those brothers in there for money? My disgust must show on my face because she scoffs at me. “Don’t judge me, you haughty bitch. I’ve got a kid to feed and my meal ticket was Dane. I’d been playing him, getting close for years. Then you showed up and he’s ready to set up house. You deserve everything you’ve got coming to you.”

Jealousy isn’t a good look, and I wish I had the voice to tell her, but I can’t, so I fix her with my best glare instead.

It rolls off her. “The money, Racket.”

The guy, Racket, pulls an envelope from inside his leather jacket and takes out a bundle of bills, repocketing those. He offers the rest to her.

“What the fuck?”

“You did half a job, so you get half the pay.”

She looks like she’s considering arguing, then snags the envelope.

He shakes his head. “No fucking honour amongst whores.”

She rolls her eyes. “They’re good enough for you to be cock deep in them.”

I ignore their conversation, because my blood is pumping so hard I feel light headed. I’m going to die. This is the end of the road for me. I just found Dane, the love of my life and it’s about to be over before it really began.

Racket grabs my arm in a bruising grip and drags me across the road. When I start to fight, he pulls his own firearm and shoves it into my side. Fear makes me pliant.

I’ve never faced danger in my life, not without my brothers or the Club to wade in and save me.

This time there’s no one. I’m on my own.

I’m shoved roughly into the back of the van and my knees catch the sill, sending a burning pain through me. I don’t have time to think about it because a bag is pulled over my head and my hands are roughly pulled behind my back. Then I’m forced face down on the floor of the van.

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