Page 57 of Fallen Rider

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“I didn’t really intend to keep it a secret. It just happened that way.”

Sofia translates my signing again.

Also because we didn’t get serious until we met again at the Saxons’ clubhouse. Since then, things have moved at light speed, but I’ve never felt like things were moving too fast. Everything felt right between us, and still does. He’s my guy and that’s not going to change. Nothing can change that. Not even Lola and her words to me about him having slept around a lot. None of these men are choirboys. I know this first hand, but I won’t hold him to account for his past. As long as he’s faithful in his present, with me.

“What’s he like in bed?” Cami asks, and Piper gasps.

“You can’t ask her that!”

“Why not? Everyone wants to know, right?”

There’s a murmur of agreement. I roll my eyes and sign, “I’m not telling you that.”

Some things are sacred and should remain so—how perfect sex is with your significant other among them.

“You’re no fun,” Cami complains. “How can I live vicariously through you ladies if no one talks about the perfection of their Adonises?”

“Get your own,” Piper mutters.

“It’s not for the want of trying.” She laughs. “You girls snagged all the best brothers.”

“There’s still Adam, Charlie and the prospects,” Sammy says, her eyes shifting in the direction of the bar.

Charlie and King are still sitting, chatting. Both men are easy on the eyes, although too young for me. I like my men older and wiser—experienced. And Dane certainly is that.

Cami sighs dramatically, swirling her straw through her drink and Piper rolls her eyes. “You could have the pick of any guy you want, and you know it.”

She’s not wrong, Cami is gorgeous.

“If that’s the case, why haven’t I?”

“Because you expect people to mind read your feelings for them, instead of being forthcoming.”

Cami eyes her. “Okay, let’s get back to interrogating Mackenzie. That’s far more fun.”

I let out a huff of breath. “I don’t need to be interrogated. All you need to know is I’m Dane’s and he’s mine, and we’re both happy with the situation.”

A collective ‘aww’ goes around the table.

“I, for one,” Paige says, “think it’s amazing news. Congratulations, Mackenzie.”

“You might be the only one,” I sign. “My brother is beyond pissed at me for even going there.”

Beth sighs. “Logan will come around. I think you just shocked the shit out of him. He doesn’t see you and Sofia as adults. You’ll always be the little girls with pigtails to him.”

“I never wore pigtails,” Sofia complains.

Beth rolls her eyes. “You know what I mean. He can’t see beyond the little girl thing to really see you as a grown up. He’ll come around with time, and if he doesn’t, I’ll withhold sex until he does.”

Laughter goes around the table, although I wrinkle my nose at the thought of my brother and Beth getting down and dirty together. I do not need that scarring image, thank you.

“I really love him,”I sign and the table falls silent. “And I know our relationship is not without problems, but I do love him and I hope it can work out between us.”

“Aww, God, I’m getting misty eyed,” Jamie says, wiping her eyes on the edge of her sleeve.

Foz tears into the room, bringing all our attention to the double doors that lead into the common room. He looks worried as hell as he spews out, “The Reapers are here.”

My heart stops.

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