Page 4 of Fallen Rider

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I do, but it doesn’t make the situation suck any less.

I head over to my car and climb back in, pushing the keys into the ignition. I wait while my brother reclaims his bike and then I follow Jem, with Rabbit tailing me.

My boss is going to hit the roof when I message him to tell him I’m not coming in. Again. I’m definitely going to be out of a job. The thought makes my gut roll, but I also can’t work if I’m dead or taken by the Reapers. As much as I hate to admit it, this has to happen.

The drive back is not the most comfortable. I keep my eyes flicking between the road and my surroundings, half expecting a Reaper to appear.

Nothing happens, though, other than getting stuck for a few minutes in the rush hour traffic.

By the time we get back to the clubhouse, I’m feeling on edge, and it’s almost a relief to go through the gates—to safety.

As we pass the security hut, Lucas steps out to watch us and I give him a wave in acknowledgement. All I receive back is a jut of his chin.

These men… where do they get them from?

Jem and Rabbit head for the bike parking area while I try to find a space in the main car park. There are vehicles everywhere, suggesting I’m among the last of the family to arrive.

As I drive around, I see my sister’s sporty little vehicle dumped, as usual, in a place that makes it awkward for other cars to get around her. Beth’s car is here, too, as is Jamie’s. I don’t see Piper or Paige’s, but if my brother came to get me, it’s safe to assume Piper is already here.

I climb out of the car and lock it, then walk towards my brother who is waiting for me, his helmet off, his bike parked up.

“How long am I going to be stuck here this time?” I ask.

“You know this shit isn’t our idea of fun either, right?” Jem says.

“Yeah, I got that, but—”

“But nothing. We’re going to do what we have to do to keep you safe. I don’t give a shit if that pisses you off.”

I roll my eyes, my mood going south again fast.


Jem’s gaze suddenly goes over my head and I watch his entire body tense. Then I hear a pop sound. Before I can react, I’m pushed down to the ground, the full weight of my enormous brother coming down on top of me.

Pain ricochets through my chest and left arm as I’m slammed into the tarmac beneath me. I can’t see what’s happening, but my brother cocoons me with his body as pops continue to ring out. I can hardly draw air in past his weight and I can’t see anything but the line of bikes to the side of me, which is disorientating.

Something pings off the metal near us, and then a rear light on one of the bikes explodes. Jem pulls me closer under him, trying his best to protect me.


It’s bullets.

We’re being fired at.

I don’t know where this thought comes from or how I register that we’re being shot at, but as soon as it floats across my brain, I know I’m right. We are being shot at and my idiot big brother is putting himself in the firing line to protect me.

I curl into a tighter ball as a ping sounds near to us and I plead with the universe to protect my brother, to protect Rabbit and Lucas, and anyone else in the line of fire.

It seems to last an eternity before it finally stops and silence fills the air again. The tension is heavy, the atmosphere crackling with energy.

Jem doesn’t move for a moment, then he pushes up off me and I take a much needed breath into my deprived lungs.

“You hit?” Jem demands as he gets to his feet, his eyes scanning the environment while trying to study me. I don’t answer immediately because I’m too busy trying to draw in air. He peers down at me and when he speaks this time he sounds more urgent. “Mackenzie, are you hit?”

I shake my head, my mouth dry as I slowly sit up. Jem helps me the rest of the way to my feet and steadies me when I wobble a little. When he’s sure I’m going to stand up on my own, he then starts yelling to Lucas and Rabbit, checking if they’re unharmed. They both reply they’re good, which makes my heart rate slow a little—although not much.

As soon as I’m sure everyone is okay, I punch Jem in the chest and then sign, “Are you crazy? Why’d you do that? You could have been killed!”

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