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“Oh, I will. I’ve had enough of their crap. If he plays ball fair enough, if not,” Molly opens her mouth, and a small razor blade is on her tongue.

“Don’t do anything silly,” I urge her.

“Wouldn’t dream about it!” she says as she does a girlish twirl, snaking her arms and hands in the air as she moves across the room towards her fate.

Don’t think about it. She’ll be okay. It’s just for her protection. She won’t use it. And even if she does, you have to worry about yourself, girl. I lock that conversation away in the depths of my mind.

As the chat and laughter swirl around me. My music washes over the room like a warming breeze, igniting the senses and desires of those in the club. But not mine. Tonight, I must gather information for the King.

I notice a table with some new guests. I position myself on my stool as close to them as possible. Two dark elves that have a touch of nobility about them.

"Where are our drinks!” One of them shouts, sticking his nose into the air and darting his ugly eyes about the room. One of the girls hurries over with a tray.

“What took you so long, woman?” The other one barks at the frightened girl.

“Sorry, sir, won’t happen again,” the girl bites her lip and places their drinks before them.

“You can be sure of that,” the dark elf barks as he grabs the girl and pulls her over his knee. He raises his hand and brings it down firmly on her ass. I can only imagine the sting.

“Oh, Casper! You’re such a hoot!” the other claps his hands and bounces up and down excitedly.

“Let that be the first of many lessons you will learn this evening,” Casper says as he pushes the girl from his knee. She falls to the floor but quickly picks herself up.

“Yes, sir,” she says.

“More drinks!” The other dark elf calls out to her. She hurries off, another girl with a long night ahead of her.

I decided to give these two my ear for a while. I haven’t seen them before, but they look like informed elves about town with just the right amount of self-entitlement.

“I think she enjoyed that, my man,” the dark elf tells Casper.

“They always do,” Casper says, slipping on his drink. “Now, tell me, Kassus, what are these rumors I have been hearing?”

“Ah, I thought there was a reason for this unexpected treat,” Kassus replies.

I smile softly, a wicked gleam in my eye as my ears pick up. I could be on to something here.

"Well? It seems Gusa's been gathering support," Kassus' tells him, his voice low, almost a whisper. There must be something in this.

"Really? From whom?" Casper replies.

"Can't say for sure, but if he keeps bolstering his numbers and winning favor like this, things could get interesting," Kassus replies.

"Interesting" is an understatement. This tidbit of information is precisely what I need for the King.

Then, an interruption. “Gentlemen, I would like to apologize for earlier. Having such noble elves as yourselves in our humble club is an honor. In light of that, I would like to show you to one of our VIP areas.” It’s Handle, one of the Eros Managers.

Damn him, I would like more, but I will settle for what I have heard.

“This evening just gets better,” Kassus says.

“Make sure that girl is reserved,” Casper tells Handle.

“Of course, she is ours to do as you please,” Handle replies.

“Excellent! Come, Kassus, and we shall talk further of this matter over a cold drink and some warm pussy,” Casper says.

Kassus claps again with delight as they disappear through the club to the VIP rooms with Handle.
