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As she beams, I nod, trying to conceal the whirlwind of emotions that her presence has stirred up. “I am simply fulfilling a promise, that is all. Nothing more.”

Observing her unrestrained delight in the hope of locating her loved ones evokes an uncomfortable sensation in my gut. Before I can examine them too closely, I turn away.

An hour later, when the carriage arrives, she is once more delirious, in a fit of happiness. "Oh, thank you again for this, my lord!" she exclaims, clasping her hands as the footman opens the carriage door. "I can scarcely believe we are truly embarking on this journey."

"Yes, yes, contain your enthusiasm," I remark sarcastically, making a flippant gesture. "Anyone would think we were embarking on some fantastical quest rather than a mundane genealogical survey."

Her smile falters slightly at my acerbic tone. I wave a hand dismissively, keeping my manner aloof. "It's of no matter. I simply aim to temper expectations."

"Of course, sir," she replies politely, settling into her seat, gazing around in wonder at the wealth demonstrated, no doubt.

I scowl inwardly, perversely wishing to extinguish that radiant smile from her face - anything to better match my sour mood. What foolish sentimentality to envy her simple joy. I turn away before she can glimpse my dark countenance. "Shall we be off, then?" I call briskly to the coachman, eager to depart.

As the vehicle lurches into motion, she suddenly wraps her arms around mine and rests her head on my shoulder affectionately. I stiffen in surprise at her familiarity. But I suppress my instinct to pull away, not wanting to draw attention to my inner turmoil.

Keeping my eyes fixed ahead, I try to ignore her nearness and the conflicting emotions stirred up.

My focus should remain on the task at hand, and I should not be distracted by troublesome feelings I do not understand. There will be time enough to unravel their meaning when we are well away from here, and our roles permit some distance.

For now, I must play the doting mate. However, vexing her touch proves to my battered heart.



As we pass through villages and countryside, I gaze out the carriage window, captivated by my first glimpses of the world outside my gilded cage for as long as I can remember. My spirits sink, however, as I take in the poverty, degradation, and suffering of the humans under dark elf rule. Was it always this bad?

"These poor souls," I murmur sadly to Karul. "Their lives seem so wretched and bleak."

He glances out with a detached air. "Pay them no mind. Their fates are of their own making."

I shake my head. "Surely there is more we could do to aid them?"

"Naïve child," he scoffs. "Your looks spared you such a life, so why waste pity on those who will never elevate to your station."

I fall silent, stung by his callous words. But they remind me how easily I could have shared the same fate, one of the ragged souls who stare after our passing carriage with hollow, hopeless eyes. As we leave the poverty-stricken villages behind, I feel relief but also sadness at the plight of those people. I try to distract myself from gloomy thoughts by chattering about my hazy childhood memories. "I think I recall our house having a red door," I muse. "And there was an enormous oak tree in the yard that my brother and I used to climb."

Karul just gives a noncommittal "hmm" without looking at me.

"Oh, and my Mother's bahru!" I continue, undaunted. "I hope I can taste it again someday. It was my favorite."

I glance at him hopefully, but his eyes remain fixed on the passing scenery. "I wish I could remember more," I sigh. "Everything seems to blend and fade..." My voice trails off. As I continue to ramble, his jaw ticks in subtle annoyance, though his gaze remains fixed straight ahead. When I finally come up for air, he drawls lazily, "How utterly fascinating, my dear. You must regale me with every mundane detail of your bucolic upbringing next." He punctuates this by draining his wineglass in one long swallow.

I flush, chastened. "Forgive me, I did not mean to prattle on so."

"No matter. I'm sure you must be quiet... nervous about this trip down memory lane."

His tone hovers between condescension and forced politeness. I clasp my hands in my lap. "I appreciate your indulgence, my lord."

He gives a careless shrug. "Yes, well, I live to serve." He meets my eyes then, his own glinting with subtle mockery.

"Tell me about your own childhood," I say, leaning towards him.

His expression shutters. He looks away. "There is nothing worth telling."

"Oh, come now," I cajole. "Surely, you have some fond memories to share?"

When he remains silent, I reach over and touch his arm. "I wish to know you better, my lord."
