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Shaking my head angrily, I quit the room before foolish emotion sways me.

Some time alone will cure me of this temporary madness.

It must! I cannot afford such vulnerability, not when my purpose now lies in shattered ruins around me. I storm through my estate, finding fault with all I encounter. Nothing is right.

The servants scurry about anxiously, struggling to satisfy my whims. I overturn trays of food deemed not to my liking, demand entirely new garments on a whim, and reroute my chambers for optimal sunlight. "This wine is far too sweet. Take it away at once!" I snap at the poor wine steward. "And have my study painted a darker shade of green."

The staff exchange worried looks but dare not disobey their tempestuous lord. In the library, I fly into a rage over mids-shelved books that have sat in place for years. "Must fools and incompetence surround me?" I shout to no one, hurling the offending tomes to the floor. It’s no wonder I have no direction, have no purpose. The foundation is all wrong.

I critique minor flaws in the food that send the cooks into a frenzy over some imaginary taste I demand to be replicated. My restless malaise drives me to lash out, but I know if I look hard enough, I can find it.

Find what I need to fix to get out of this… hole I have found myself in.

Yet, no amount of arbitrary condemnation can fill the aching void within me. I am adrift, bearing down on my beleaguered household to silence the uncertainty and longing plaguing my weary soul.

I pick at my bland breakfast, wishing I could avoid facing Jasmine this morning after my dramatic exit earlier. But keeping up appearances as mates necessitates some pretense of normalcy.

As I hear her enter, I quickly compose my face into an expression of nonchalance. "Ah, good morning, my dear," I say with obviously forced casualness.

She bids me a timid good morning and takes her seat, and an awkward tension hangs over us. She smiles at me. Content. How could she be? After everything? What game is she playing?

We eat in silence. Then, she had the audacity to ask me how my morning was. I push the food around on my plate on a merry dance.

"Well, this is quite dreary. We simply must plan some diverting entertainment, or I shall go mad from tedium!"

Jasmine looks taken aback by my sudden shift in mood. "I... of course. Did you have something in mind?"

I wave a hand flippantly. "Oh, I'm sure I can contrive some amusement to pass the time now that the main event has concluded." I force a nonchalant laugh. "Can't have life getting dull, can we?"

“Already? After all the festivities?” she says sleepily.

Inside, I cringe at my performance.

I hate her. I hate being attached to her.

But most of all, I hate myself.


I stare at her.

She stares back.

I swallow a barrage of sharp words, instead speaking through gritted teeth, "Come now, a change of scenery will do us good." Composing my features into a facsimile of a smile costs great effort.

But maintaining appearances remains imperative, however vexing. "I did promise to help find your family," I continue in a measured tone. "Let's travel to your childhood town and see what clues we may happen to uncover or what have us."

"Really! I will prepare right away!" Jasmine exclaims joyfully at the prospect of the journey. Despite myself, her unrestrained happiness makes my heart swell with warmth… the witch.

I quickly force down the unwelcome feeling, turning away. "We shall depart as soon as arrangements are made.”

Suddenly, she throws her arms around me in an impulsive hug. "Y-you're the greatest, sir!" Before I can react, she plants an enthusiastic kiss on my cheek.

I disentangle myself, clearing my throat. "All right, all right, let's act like we belong, shall we?" I say, waving my hand in a pretense of nonchalance to cover my flustered reaction.

Composing myself, I offer a thin smile. "Yes, I'm a man of my word. Let's be off as soon, shall we?"

She flushes, catching herself. "But, of course, forgive my outburst. I'm just so grateful for this chance… for everything, really…"
