Page 94 of The Naughtier List

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“That’s a certainty.”

I smile. “Tit for tat?”

“Yeah, tit for fucking tat.”

I spread myself for him, desperate all over again, even though I’m still bruised as fuck.

“You sure about this?” he asks as he lines his cock up. “You must still be feeling it from last night.”

Yeah, I am still feeling it from last night, but I don’t care. I’m practically drooling as I reply. “Who could say no to a slammer from the beast?” I tease my pussy against his cock head.

“Is that what I am, a beast?” he asks, nudging my clit.

“Beast, Adonis, King of the hardcorers, yeah, that’s what you are.”

“Right, then. I’d better live up to it.”

He inches inside me, slowly, each barbell making me wince. It’s beautiful.

I hook my legs up around his, urging him on.

“Is this slammer number one of your five a day?” I joke, remembering him telling me he comes at least five times every day. “Your body must think you’re impregnating a whole damn tribe.”

“A big tribe, given how fast my balls fill up. I’ve given myself a lot of training.”

I think of all the people he must fuck week to week. How many people get his cum inside them. How many people taste his lips on theirs.

I get a lurch in my stomach. Intrigue. Fascination.

“Best get yourself emptied then,” I tell him, clenching around his girth.

“I’ll try not to slam you too hard,” he says, angling his dick in just the right spot and giving it a little nudge back and forth.

“That’s nice,” I tell him.

He goes a little deeper, a little faster, making me moan.

“Just warming you up,” he says.

“I’m already plenty warmed up,” I tell him, “give me your best slammer. I need one.”

“You sure?”

Am I sure? I wouldn’t care if he ripped me to pieces, the love I’m feeling right now is just… amazing. Yeah, amazing works well. I almost giggle.


I grin like an idiot. “Yeah, I’ve never been so sure in my life.”

His hands move to my tits, squeezing, pressing, kneading, and I’m soon moaning as he picks up the pace, those barbells working their magic.

“My God that feels like heaven,” I tell him, my clit sparking with every grunted thrust.

“So does your sweet cunt,” he says and then he does it – squeezes my tits hard and slams me. Slam after slam and his huge bed is rocking and he’s relentless, pounding the fucking life out of me. I’m crying out loud, floating as my orgasm explodes and those butterflies come spiralling through me, Josh’s fierce green eyes on me as he comes, slamming me hard with every thrust until he’s done.

I’m throbbing, buzzing all over, panting through the come down, his cum pooling between my legs as he cuddles into my side.

“Shame I’ve got work,” he says. “I’d stay here in bed with you for three days straight otherwise.”
