Page 91 of The Naughtier List

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“Thanks. I aim to please.”

“I’ll be booking you again soon enough,” he says, “maybe a three-day proposal, where I leave you tied to that bed, to be taken at my whim.”

“Wow,” I say, “three whole days…” and my mind trails into the gutter. I nearly tell him that I’d like that until I think of Josh, pacing a hole in the carpet for three days.

“I’ll give it some thought,” he says and I can feel his mind whirling as he drives.

I drink the rest of my water, thinking of my gorgeous man waiting for me.

We’re a few minutes early when we arrive back at the chase park. My cab isn’t there when we pull up.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to hang around,” I tell him, but my abductor takes hold of my arm.

“Wait in here with me until your ride turns up. It’s not safe around here.” He smirks through the mask. “Wouldn’t want you getting grabbed by any sickos or anything.”

I laugh at that, and we share a moment, me and him – the fantasy well and truly over, but the memories of it are still thrumming in the air.

I like User 706. I especially liked his filthy farmer boot working my pussy. A new one for me, and a hot one. I’m imagining Josh, naked except for some great big muddy boots, when the cab pulls up.

“Thanks again, Holly,” my abductor says, “you really aced it. Give you ten stars if I could.”

“You’re the star,” I tell him, “thanks for a great time.”

“See you again, slut,” he says.

I giggle. “Sure hope so.”

My client waits until I reach the cab before he drives off, and I watch until his van turns the corner. He’s definitely a nice guy underneath the roleplay. I wonder if I’ll ever see him without a mask on. I wonder if I’ll ever know his name.

That’s his business though – not mine. A mantra I’m becoming used to.

“Belgravia, please,” I tell the cab driver, and he almost does a double take when he sees the sight of me. My crop top is a wreck, I have a handful of tights and panties balled up in my fist, and my legs are scratched to holy hell.

“You’re going back to Belgravia?”

“Yep,” I say. “Belgravia. The east tower.”

He looks at me like I’m as crazy as User 706 did. More fool them.

I relax in the back seat, not ashamed or abashed by the fact I just got abducted for money. I couldn’t give a shit if the taxi driver knows about it or not, and if he does, he can get fucked. Just like Richard Jacobs.

Holly, Ella. The separation is growing thinner. I’m both of them, the black and white becoming a very hardcore shade of grey. Ha. Ironic.

I send Josh a D&S message as soon as the cab sets off, and he replies with a heart emoji and a can’t wait for you to get home xx.

I wonder if he really has been up all night. I expect so.

Just as well I’ve saved up at least one final orgasm…

I can’t wait to share it with him… along with the full gory details. I’ve got a dirty smeared pussy to show off, after all.

Chapter Seventeen

I don’t even check the time when I wake up wrapped in my boyfriend’s arms. It’s got to be well into the afternoon, and he’s still snoozing, his eyelashes fluttering with each deep breath. He’s so fucking gorgeous, it’s ridiculous.

He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and jeans when I got back from the East End – all set to leave the apartment if he needed to come out and get me. Not only that, but he was prepared to spoil me after my endeavours, cooking me an early morning fry up while I recounted my wild proposal.

I’m sure the sex worker scenario between us will never fail to astound me.
