Page 90 of The Naughtier List

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I’ve soon got him clean but he’s also getting hard again and I’m not going to let that go. I remember last time, how much he loved my tits wrapped around his cock.

He moans when I snuggle down, spreading my tits and wrapping his dick with them.

He gives a little thrust, moaning again when I catch his dick in my mouth and suck him in.

He bucks into my tits and fucks my bobbing mouth, my teeth scraping at his growing hardness.

He’s soon hard as steel again and I give it my all, squeezing my tits around him, my drool providing lube.

“Fuck!” he says, thrusting now, and I’ve got him, deep in my throat when the first pulsing spurt comes. I don’t let go, sucking and squeezing my tits together as he grunts with every spurt.

“Fuck,” he says again as his dick pops from my mouth and I let go of my tits.

The monster actually strokes my hair as I lick his cock clean all over again.

“Just… fuck,” he says as he flops back on the bed and I know that I’ve got one very happy client.

He lies there for a while, coming down, and so do I, revelling in the moment. Proposal completed – and what a success.

I’m sure I’m on the verge of falling into dreamland when he nudges me.

“Thanks, Holly,” he says, “much as I’d like to tie you to the bed and keep you here, we best make a move and get you back.”

My slutty pussy tingles at the idea of an extended proposal. He could tie me to the bed, then leave. Leave me for hours, wondering, waiting…

“Maybe next time,” I tell him.

“Yeah, maybe,” he says.

He helps me to stand, makes sure I’m steady, then picks up my panties and ripped tights and my handbag and hands them to me.

He leads the way with the flashlight and we’re soon at the front door.

Ah fuck. I realise I don’t have my heels.

“Oh bollocks,” I say as he unlocks the door.

He looks at me through his ski mask.


I point down at my bare feet.

“Shit,” he says. “Let’s get you in the van then I’ll go look for them.”

He helps me into the van, turns the ignition on and sets the heater going before he goes back to the house and, as if by magic, all of the lights in the place suddenly switch on. It’s a rough old building, which has clearly seen a lot better days, but there is no doubt that it was once a thriving family home.

A home like Josh and I will want one day… maybe with six kids and two dogs running around with us. I’m still imagining my future when the lights go off and the brute in the ski mask comes back out to join me, with my heels in his hand.

“Thanks,” I say, and take them from him.

He hands me a bottle of water and I thank him, glugging half of it down in one. A nice touch on his part.

“You really do like this shit, don’t you?” he says as we set off.

“I love my job,” I tell him, “there’s nothing better than a satisfied client.”

“Believe me,” he says, glancing at me through his ski mask, “I couldn’t be more satisfied. You’re one incredible girl.”
