Page 58 of The Naughtier List

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Tiff acknowledges it with a clap of her hands, and gets to her feet alongside me. She pulls me in for a token hug and tells me what a great, fun time she’s had, and how she’ll see me again soon, and then she’s off. She doesn’t hug Josh, just blows him a kiss on her way, and I see the way she winks at him.

She knows what’s about to go down here and the filth that’s about to unfold. Addictive. Intoxicating. In-bloody-sane.

No doubt, she knows it better than me… but it’s time to get learning.

“Ready for getting fucked in the aftermath?” Josh asks me as soon as she’s closed the door. “I hope you’re happy to take my cock now it’s been inside someone else’s pussy, because I swear on my life, all I’ve been thinking about is you.”

My feet move, unlocked from my trance, and I go to him. I run my hand down over his crotch, and he’s as hard as a steel bar. I imagine another woman’s mouth sucking on him, and her pussy clenching around his barbells, but the insecurities fade, swallowed up under the relief and lust. He’s back, with me. And he’s hard, for me. Even after all his hours of fucking.

“I mean it, Ella. All I’ve been thinking about is you.”

I drop to my knees without a word, and free his cock, rubbing his gorgeous, pierced shaft as I prepare to suck her remnants off him. Oh, my dirty soul – it actually makes me smile. Insecurities be damned.

Josh is mine, for free. No payment necessary. What a fucking contrast.

And oh, how my dirty soul takes advantage of it.

“Show me how you fucked her,” I say. “Just make sure you do it harder for me. And make sure I’m more of a dirty little slut for you than she was.”

“Don’t worry about that,” he says. “She’d never even come close.”

And no, she won’t do.

Josh and I have got a few nights free now between proposals, and I’m damned well going to make the most of every single filthy second.

Chapter Twelve

A few days of being holed up with Josh, and I’m well at home, towelling off my hair in the kitchen, standing next to him as he makes us coffee. I’m in one of his hoodies, ignoring my own clothes in preference of boyfriend attire, chatting away to him quite merrily when a new proposal pings through on my phone.

It’s a different notification sound than the regular one, and Josh clocks it straight off, raising his eyebrows.

“Someone’s keen,” he says. “That’s top priority. Maybe they’ve just realised you’re back from Oz.”

I dump my towel straight onto the worktop when I see the text window.

Oh my God, it’s Daddy. User 762. The guy who gave me a serious bout of morning after syndrome last time I had to leave his place and say goodbye. It seems a lifetime ago, but the memories are back in a flash.

Daddy was so hot. So forbidden, and dirty. Enough to make my heart flutter along with my pussy. I dressed up in a school uniform for him, and played his filthy game like a good little girl. Or rather a naughty little girl. Daddy gave me a damn good spanking for ‘writing smut in my notebook’. Jeez, that client put some effort into setup and roleplay, and I gave him what he wanted. I turned out to be quite a competent actress in pigtails and cute white panties.

“Good offer, then?” Josh asks as he sees the smile on my face. He stirs our coffees as I flick through the text again.

“Yeah, it’s cool,” I tell him. “It’s a client I’ve seen before. Daddy play.”

Josh’s eyes are piercing as he hands over my drink.

“I guess you liked your daddy an awful lot, since you look like you’ve scored a lottery win.”

My eyes pierce his right back. We said no lies, and I meant it. No secrets, no illusions, no holding back.

I’ve already been through the initial round of stomach squicks while Josh was out fucking someone else, but he’s yet to experience it. My proposals don’t start up again in earnest until after I’ve moved into my new apartment.

That was the plan, anyway…

“It’s hardly a lottery win,” I say. “But I’m excited, yeah. User 762 was one of my earliest clients, and I really wasn’t expecting the roleplay to be so convincing. Seriously, it was epic. I’m glad I get the chance to playact with him again. It was roleplay to the max.”

I make sure the emphasis is on playacting, because it’s what this is. Daddy isn’t my daddy – clearly, that would be absolutely gross – and Daddy’s perfect suburban life in Wrenshaw has nothing on Belgravia. And nothing on my newly forming life with Josh.

Things were different back then, when I was right at the beginning of my new career. In the aftermath of that session, I’d have gladly packed up my suitcase and moved in with Daddy for good, but not anymore. Not a chance.
