Page 52 of The Naughtier List

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I’m Holly now, too.

And Holly won’t take any shit from sad little tossers like them.

I step up beside my boyfriend, glad I’m still in my glorious display of my ballgown from last night’s dinner date.

“You two are a pair of vile losers, you know that? And you know what else? Seeing me in front of a window is the closest you’ll ever get to getting a piece of me, because you’d never be able to afford me in a million years.”

I put my heel up on one of their bike wheels.

“Being a whore doesn’t make me cheap, boys, it makes me the opposite, actually. So, fuck off back to your own part of shitville and leave me the fuck alone.” I twist a little, so they can see my thigh through the split in my dress. “And make the most of this view, because it won’t be around here much longer. My slutty cunt has risen me like a phoenix from the ashes of this hellhole. Shame your sorry little dicks won’t do the same for you.”

I lower my leg, and Josh boots his foot into the guy’s wheel. Christ, how the spokes clank. He’s likely buckled them.

“You heard her, shitheads. Get the fuck out of here, or you won’t have your sorry little dicks anymore. I’ll tear them off along with your bollocks.”

The idiots get to their feet, looking like dumbass college kids rather than hardcore yobs. They jump on their bikes and speed away as fast as they can. Good fucking riddance to them. I’m well aware that the twitching curtains around us are filling up with more neighbours, but I stand proud, uncaring.

They likely all know the story by now anyway.

It brings so much back to me from days of old. I remember all the bitchy whispers and rumours from high school. People sniping that I was this or that. Weirdo with no friends. Stupid bitch. It used to hurt, walking into a room and knowing people were laughing about me, sneering about me, talking about me like I was worthless.

I’m never going back to that part of me. Not for anything.

“You alright?” Josh asks.

“Yeah,” I tell him. “I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

I nod, and smile up at him. “Yeah, I am. And thank you. I don’t know what I’d have done without you here. Probably run in the opposite direction. At least they won’t be bothering me when I come back.”

His eyes are still so fierce, but so protective.

“No, they won’t be bothering you again,” he says. “Because you won’t be coming back here again. It’s not just those little dipshits that will be keen to jibe at you.”

I take a look at all the windows around us. All the people out to sneer and gossip.

“We’ll pack your stuff up right now,” Josh says. “Everything. Let’s get you the hell out of this dump for good.”

He turns towards the house, but I pull him back and wrap my arms around his neck and press myself up against him, kissing him with burning heat, right here on the pavement.

Have some of that, curtain twitchers.

“Thank you,” I say when I break the kiss, my nose still pressed to his. “You’re quite a boyfriend, you know that?”

“No need for thanks, and I’d do it regardless, boyfriend or not. Nobody will ever hurt you when I’m around. That’s a promise.”

I get my keys out of my handbag, shaking at the realisation that this will be my last time in this place. I climb the cracked steps, and turn the key in the shitty lock, and lead Josh upstairs to the room that used to be my world, my new boyfriend at my side, instead of the old one who didn’t give a shit about me when it truly came down to it.

I grab my suitcases, and overnight bags, and a couple of holdalls I’d stuffed away when I moved here, and we bundle up my possessions. Clothes, makeup, bedding, shoes. Old mementos and my tattered old journals, taking it a drawer at a time.

It’s so weird to see the room changing, my old life being packed away.

“Is that everything?” Josh asks when we’re done, and I give the room one final check over.

“Yeah, all finished.”

We stand amidst my belongings, cases piled on cases, and Josh calls us a cab.
