Page 26 of The Naughtier List

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“If only the people out there could hear how wet your pussy is,” he says.

I nod, deep in the headspace. “Yeah, fuck, I’d like that.”

“Thought so. Maybe one day I’ll invite them in here, how about that? I’ll share you around.”

The thought makes my clit spark. Right now, I’d take anyone. He’s got me on a string.

“Feel free to send me a proposal,” I groan. “You’ve seen my naughty list… I don’t have many restrictions…”

“I might well do. In the meantime, you’ll have to tell them how wet your pussy is instead. Go on, Holly, shout it out loud and clear. Tell them how wet your cunt is.”

With that, he reaches up above my head and opens the top window wide. Shit. It becomes so real as the chill of the air comes in. I can see those figures in the shadows, they feel so much closer now…

I suck in a breath. Heart pounding. Trying to get myself ready.

“Go on,” he urges. “Shout out what I’m doing to you, tell the losers outside and the nosey pricks through the wall. I want them to hear it. I want them to know what a horny, hungry slut you are.” He pauses. “Tell you what. I’ll go first. How about this?” I jump in shock, still impaled on his fingers as he bellows out loud. “YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A CHEAP WHORE. TAKE IT, BITCH. TAKE IT IN THAT SLUTTY, WET CUNT!”

Wow, his tone.

So alive.

So strong.

So real.

Playtime blurs with reality and there’s something down deep, stirring. Something in him triggers something in me.


That’s the word for it.

At that, my walls come down and I’m nothing but an entertainer, enjoying my job for everything it’s worth. I push every scrap of inhibition aside, and I just fucking go for it. I let it all flow free. I ride Steve’s fingers, and I scream at full volume, telling the world how wet my slutty cunt is, and how much I need it, and how much I need him. I beg him for his dick, screaming out please. PLEASE, STEVE, PLEASE! FUCK ME! GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING COCK!

He barely gives me any warning before he delivers what I’ve been begging for. He presses up behind me in seconds, slamming balls deep in my pussy as he pins me to the glass.

“Keep shouting,” he says. “Tell them how good it feels. And make it fucking real.”

I do make it real. I put my foot back up on the windowsill and take him where it feels best, grinning as I resume my screaming and shouting. But this time it’s laced with moans. Real moans as the pleasure builds.

More people are gathering against the railings outside, nothing but silhouettes looking in at me. I hear the jeering, and cheering, and wolf whistles through the open window, and fuck, yes. I feel like a filthy porn star giving the seedy performance of a lifetime. Not only that, I know the people through the wall will be listening to every single word, and it feels so dirty hot, it’s insane. I’m still crying out and yelling filth when they eventually start banging on the wall and yell for us to SHUT THE FUCK UP, and it fuels Steve. He fucks me harder, making him curse, which only sets me off even worse.

What a vicious, dirty head-spin of a cycle. I’m as bad as he is, wired up in his world of fantasy.

Holy fuck, my orgasm is genuine, and as electric as I suspected it would be – as electric as Steve knew it would be. It makes me quake and squeal and buck like a madwoman as he ploughs me with everything he has. I’m a trembling wreck, gasping against the glass as the pleasure racks through me, my mind buzzing as the onlookers keep on jeering. What a joy that they get to see me in such full, unabashed glory. Dirty enough that I hope it’ll sear itself into their memories for all time.

When I’m finally done coming, Steve stops. He pulls his cock out of me and spins me around to face him.

“I thought you were bigging it up,” he says. “When you said you really were a true, horny bitch. But you weren’t, were you? You really are a kinky one.”

I grin, still panting. “Yep. That’s me. Like I told you, I’m an entertainer for a reason, and it’s not just for the cash.”

“Then I guess you really will like taking cock in the ass as well.”

“Sure will, thank you.” I still have a grin on my face. “Want me to scream some more and let the neighbours know about it?”

“Yes fucking please.”

I turn back around, still smiling, tits back up to the glass. I’m not quite ready to take him in the ass, but that doesn’t matter, I’m still high enough to grit my teeth and spread my ass cheeks for him, shunting back as he thrusts his way inside me. Fuck it hurts, but a few tight slams, and I already want more.
