Page 25 of The Naughtier List

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He tosses a decent sized vibrator over at me, and I smile with a genuine thanks. My hand has been working so hard my wrist is aching.

“I want you to get yourself off with that dirty toy on show, right in front of the window,” he tells me. “Come hard when you do.”

“Don’t worry, I will. You won’t have long to wait.”

The vibrator feels so good as I work it inside me. It’s ridged and so easy to press against the just the right spot. Yes. That’s it. That’s right… I’m moaning, legs trembling as I pick up the pace. My head spins with the thought of people out there, watching. It only makes me pump harder. Desperate.

I really am desperate, and I’m nearly there… climax building.

I think of the neighbours gathering on the other side of the wall as I let myself groan and curse, saying how fucking good it feels, and Steve coaxes me. He tells me I’m a good slut, and to let go, moan louder. Faster. Fuck yourself harder! And I’m almost there… I’m almost fucking there.

But then he stops me. AGAIN. The bastard stops me when I’m a panting wreck, right on the edge. “Stop now,” he says, like it means nothing.

I look over at him in needy shock.

“No. Please. Seriously. You said I could come!”

“I was playing with you, Holly.” His smile is so filthy. “It’s my show, remember?”

Yes, it is. It is his show. I’m nothing but a fuck toy, here to serve. Nothing more than a dirty slut called Holly, here at his disposal. I could scream at him, my pussy is so fucking desperate, but a knowing glint in his eyes catches me off guard.

He’s the master at this game. Not me.

He knows what he’s doing.

This is orgasm denial, with peaks and troughs of utter insanity, on display for the world outside to see – and there’s an end goal he has in mind. I’ll be so worked up and grateful when he finally lets me do it – if he finally lets me do it – that I’ll feel it through my whole fucking body like a lightning strike. And the people around us will know it.

He holds out a hand for the vibrator, and I give it to him, breaths still ragged.

He tips his head at the window, giving me another filthy insight into his thinking.

“Now, see that. Anyone out there will know that I’m the one in charge here. You played like a slutty bitch, and then you stopped, because I fucking told you to. Every time I told you to.” Finally, he lets his dick free from his jeans. It’s a decent length. As big as the vibrator. “How do you feel about that, Holly? They’re out there, no doubt about that, gathering and watching. That’s why I chose this shitty room to rent as a play den. There are always people peering in from the skanky park out there, smoking weed.

I stare out through the window, and sure enough, I see some figures in the gloom, leaning against the railings. At least four of them. I get a crazy weird thrill up my spine.

“How do you feel about it, Holly?” he asks again.

I don’t flinch as I smile.

“I feel really good about it, actually. I must be an exhibitionist myself.”

“Really? You fucking like it? Being a slut on display?” He looks sceptical, but I’m not lying, and I’ll prove it.

I walk closer to the window, and wave for the people outside, and then I put my foot up on the windowsill again, showing off my pussy to whoever wants a view while I grope my tits. Steve sits bolt upright on the bed as I blow the watchers a kiss.

“Jesus Christ,” he says. “You really are a kinky bitch, aren’t you?”

I take my foot down from the sill. “Yeah, I am. And this is what you wanted me for, isn’t it? You wanted everyone to know I’m a slut who’s desperate for you, and here you have it. I am one.”

He works his cock in his hand at that, glistening. It feels so good to know I’m succeeding at turning him on. I get a glow of pride as I look at him.

“Up to the glass now,” he says. “Up tight. Tits against it.”

The glass is cold enough that I gasp on contact. Oh, the beautiful chill of single glazed windows. I get goosebumps as Steve gets up from the bed and steps up behind me – his closeness giving me a shiver. I cry out as he slides his hand between my legs without warning, shoving four thick fingers all the way inside me.

“Ride them like a slut,” he says. “You wanted to come, so use them. Use my whole fucking hand if you need to.”

Yes, thank God. I ride his fingers with my tits mashed against the windowpane, moaning like a bitch at the grind.
