Page 206 of The Naughtier List

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“It’s great,” Mum says, and she’s beaming. She runs a hand across the worktop.

“Yeah, marble,” I tell her, and she nods.

I hear Josh’s footsteps as he paces out of the bedroom.

“A coffee, anyone?” he says, and Mum and Dad spin in shock.

OMG. Josh is in his purple suit, with a black tie, his hair styled perfectly. I could jump into his arms and kiss him for ever, because he’s made such an effort.

He holds out a hand for a handshake.

“Ted, Debbie, pleased to meet you. I’m Josh.”

Dad shakes his hand, looking Josh up and down as though he’s trying to see into his soul. Mum actually responds to a hug, even though she looks a bit unsteady.

I dash up to my boyfriend, and wrap my arm around his waist, and he kisses my head, then grins down at me like he’s the happiest man on the planet.

My parents have to see that. Dad shifts from foot to foot, but Mum is smiling.

“We’ve heard a lot about you,” she tells Josh.

His green eyes stare right into hers. “Yes, I imagine you have. But I hope you get to know me for yourselves.”

“We’ll definitely be checking you out,” Dad says, still maintaining his foot shifting, but his expression is lightening, just a bit.

“Coffee?” Josh asks again and steps over to the state of the art machine, but Dad shakes his head.

“Nah, tea, please. Two sugars.”

“Coming right up. And you, Debbie?”

“Same, please, but one sugar, not two.”

Josh gets to it, and Mum gives me a wink. I could laugh out loud.

“Can you show me the bathroom, please, Ells?” she asks, and I take her on through.

She drags me in along with her.

“Pictures don’t do him justice,” she says when the door is shut. “That man should be on the cover of every magazine in the world.”

“What did you expect?” I laugh. “He makes his money as an entertainer.” I hug her as we stare into the mirror. She’s an older version of me, and she’s blonde, but it’s clear where I get my looks from.

“I’ve got you to thank for my success,” I tell her. “Without your genes, I wouldn’t be nearly so high up the rankings.”

“Shhh,” she says. “I’m not taking the credit for it, and don’t say that to your dad, please. He’ll pull a face!”

I chance the question.

“Think he’s getting on ok with Josh out there?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart, but it’s a good sign he’s here.”

“Are you going to give him a chance?”

I love my mum’s smile, and the sparkle in her eyes. I always will.

“Depends how good his cup of tea is.”
