Page 139 of The Naughtier List

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“Nice.” I feel my mood lightening. “Going to share the details?”

“No. You can wait and find out.”

“Better put your foot down then, hadn’t you? The clock is ticking.”

The smirk on his face makes me grin and I’m feeling more like myself again. Back to the new me, without a sponging, self-obsessed asshole pulling me down.

Instead, I have a hot, dirty boyfriend lifting me up, and that’s what I want.

I want hot, dirty sex.

I want filthy hardcore.

I want Josh.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

User Unspecified.

You have come to our attention, in a positive light. Our proposals are only ever offered to candidates who have an exceptional rating and a vast array of listed services.

Please note, you do not have permission to discuss this proposal on any of the Agency forums, it is strictly confidential.

This proposal will be vague, extreme, but safe. You have the assurances of the Agency, but please consider this carefully before accepting.

You will be collected by a driver and hooded. You will not know where you are going, as the journey will be in silence.

On arrival you will be stripped, cuffed in shackles and led to your destination. From this point onwards, you will serve us however we see fit. Your hood will not be removed at any time.

There may be a significant number of men who will be using you for BDSM, pain play and sex. Our tastes can get extreme – so, please be certain of your limits.

You can use your safe word at any time, and if you should choose to, you will be escorted out of the premises immediately and driven back to your apartment. You will be paid up until the minute you decide to withdraw.

Still, the hood will not be removed.

We take aftercare seriously. If needed, the driver will happily escort you back home and ensure you are safe and comfortable before departing.

Duration: Six hours

Proposal price: £60,000

“This can’t be right,” I say, handing my phone to Josh next morning. “Sixty grand? Seriously? They must have added an extra zero in there without realising.”

“That’s got to be one hell of a proposal for sixty grand.” He grins until he reads the text. “Fuck, ok. Well, so much for keeping it strictly confidential, you just handed it right over.”

I raise my eyebrows. “It doesn’t count if I talk to you, does it? You’re hardly going to shout it from the rooftops.”

“No, of course not, just be careful who else you tell. As in, nobody.”

I watch him reading the proposal, and he looks so serious that it makes me shift nervously on the sofa. “Do you know anything about this kind of thing? What is this unspecified stuff about?”

He meets my eyes. “You must have come to the attention of the founders. Quite an achievement.”

“The founders?”

“Yes, that’s what Tiff was told when she quizzed Orla, but that’s all Orla would say. She had the choice. Accept it or not.”

“Tiff has had one of these? Did she accept it?”
