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Chapter 6


As I stare down at Stylz, my heart pounds like a wild drum in my chest. I've taken control, and the power coursing through me is intoxicating. I need him to know that I'm not just some damsel in distress; I'm a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to take it.

His eyes darken as he watches me with rapt attention.

“I’m all yours, princess,” he says, and even though I know he’s trying to seem lighthearted, it feels like more than that.

Like a declaration, one I can’t linger on for too long or I might chicken out.

With deliberate slowness, I loosen his belt buckle and unbutton his jeans, my fingers brushing against the hard ridge of his erection. He lets out a low groan, and I can't help but smile. I know exactly what I'm doing to him, and I love every second of it.

I tug at his jeans, pulling them down his hips, and he lifts himself slightly to help me. As I reveal more and more of him, my breath hitches. He's even more impressive than I imagined.

I toss his jeans aside, and then I'm there, my hands exploring the hard planes of his body, my fingers tracing the lines of his muscles. His skin is warm and firm beneath my touch, and I can feel the power coiled within him, restrained and ready to be unleashed.

My hands drift lower, and I wrap my fingers around his thick cock, stroking him gently. He groans, his hips bucking slightly, and I can feel him growing even harder in my grip. The power I have over him is heady, and I want more.

I lean down, my tongue darting out to taste him. He's salty and musky, and I can't get enough. I take him into my mouth, my lips sliding over him, and he lets out a strangled cry. I look up at him, my eyes meeting his, and I can see the struggle on his face, the battle between pleasure and control.

I work him with my mouth and hands, my movements growing more confident as I learn what makes him tick. His breathing grows ragged, his hips moving in time with my ministrations. I can feel him growing closer and closer to the edge, and I know I have him exactly where I want him.

Suddenly, his hands are on my shoulders, pushing me gently away. I look up at him, surprised and a little disappointed. I want to make him come, to feel him lose control beneath my touch.

"Delilah, stop," he says, his voice strained. "I'm going to come if you don't stop.”

“That’s the whole point,” I retort, sitting back on my heels.

He reaches for me, pulling me into his lap again. “I don’t want to come here,” he says, fingers brushing my lips. That same hand trails a line of heat down my neck, my chest, my stomach, before finally slipping between my legs. “I want to come here.”

He presses against my clit, rubbing slow circles that make my hips buck and my breath hitch.

"You feel so good," he murmurs, his thumb still moving against me as his fingers tease my entrance. I'm already wet and ready for him, and I moan when he slides a finger inside me.

He pumps his finger in and out, matching the rhythm of his thumb, until I'm panting and squirming in his lap. I can feel the tension building inside me, a delicious ache that threatens to spill over at any moment.

"Please, Stylz," I beg, my hands gripping his shoulders. "I need you inside me."

He smirks, his fingers still working their magic. "Say it again."

"I need you inside me," I repeat, my voice stronger this time. I want him to know just how much I want this, how much I need him.

With a growl, he grips his cock, guiding it to my entrance. I lower myself onto him, inch by inch, feeling every ridge and contour as he fills me completely. We both let out a sigh of pleasure, our eyes locked as we savor the moment.

It's slow at first, a gentle rocking as we find our rhythm. His hands are on my hips, guiding me as I ride him. I lean down, capturing his lips with mine, as I continue to move on top of him. His tongue meets mine, and we kiss deeply. I can feel the tension building inside me once again, but this time it's different, more intense.

Suddenly, he sits up, still inside me, and grabs my ass, lifting me up and flipping me onto my back, never leaving me.

He deepens the kiss as he hovers above me, supporting his weight on one arm while his other hand continues to explore my body. His fingers trace the curve of my hip, then slide up to cup my breast, squeezing gently as I gasp into his mouth. The roughness of his calloused palm against the softness of my skin sends a jolt of pleasure straight to my core.

"You feel so fucking good," he growls against my lips before sucking my bottom lip between his teeth and biting down gently.

I moan loudly, arching my back as my nails dig into his shoulders. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer, desperate to feel him deeper inside me. He obliges, thrusting harder.

"God, yes," I pant, throwing my head back as he begins to move faster. I can feel every inch of him stretching me, filling me completely.

His hands grip my hips tightly, pulling me closer with each thrust. My breasts bounce with the force of his movements, and I can feel his cock hitting that perfect spot inside me, making me see stars.
