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With one hand, I grip the back of my flannel shirt and yank it off, letting it fall to the floor. Delilah's gaze rakes over my bare chest, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

Damn, that look makes my cock twitch.

I lean forward, my mouth watering at the sight of her perfect tits. I flip the cups of her bra down, exposing her dusky brown nipples to the cool air. Her breath hitches as I close my lips around one taut peak, sucking and teasing it with my tongue while my hand palms her other breast, kneading and pinching her nipple between my fingers.

Delilah's head falls back, a moan escaping her lips as she grinds harder against me. The friction between us is almost unbearable, and it takes every ounce of self-control not to rip our pants off and plunge into her right then and there.

I switch to her other breast, lavishing it with the same attention as she continues to rock her hips against me. She whimpers, her fingers digging into my shoulders as I suck and nip at her sensitive flesh.

With a growl, I flip her onto her back, breaking our connection as I stand up to remove her shoes. I toss them aside before hooking my fingers in the waistband of her pants and pulling them down her legs, taking her panties with them.

Her legs are bare and beautiful, and I can't resist kissing my way up her calves. I pause at the juncture of her thighs, inhaling deeply, her scent driving me wild.

She moans, her hips lifting off the bed in a silent plea for more. And I'm more than happy to oblige.

I spread her legs wider, my gaze devouring the glistening folds of her pussy. She's so wet, so ready for me, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to bury my face between her thighs and feast on her like a starving man.

But I want to taste every inch of her first, to commit her body to memory.

I kiss her inner thighs, my hands roaming over her soft skin as I make my way up to her stomach, my tongue dipping into her navel before continuing its journey. I linger at her breasts, sucking and licking her nipples until they're hard peaks once more.

Delilah's moans grow louder, her hands fisting in my hair as she tries to guide me back down to where she needs me most. But I'm not done exploring yet.

I trail kisses up her neck, pausing to nip at her earlobe before capturing her lips in another kiss. My hand drifts lower, my fingers tracing the wetness between her thighs. She's soaked, her arousal coating my fingers as I tease her entrance.

"Fuck, princess," I murmur against her lips. "You're drenched for me."

Delilah's cheeks flush at my words, but she doesn't shy away from them. Instead, she reaches a hand between us, guiding my fingers to where she wants them most. Her confidence is intoxicating, and it only makes me harder knowing she's not afraid to take what she wants.

I slide two fingers inside her, groaning at how tight she is, how perfectly she grips me. My thumb circles her clit, applying just the right amount of pressure as I pump my fingers in and out of her heat.

She arches her back as my fingers delve deeper, her nails digging into my shoulder. I can feel her walls tightening around my fingers, her breath hitching as I increase the pace.

"That's it. Show me how good it feels," I whisper, my lips brushing against her earlobe.

Her hips buck wildly, chasing the pleasure that builds with every thrust of my fingers. I add a third, stretching her just enough to make her gasp. Our eyes lock, and I can see the trust in her gaze, the knowledge that I'll give her exactly what she needs.

And I can't wait to do just that.

I withdraw my fingers from her pussy, and she whimpers at the loss. But I'm not done with her yet. Not even close.

I move back down between her legs, spreading her wide once more as I lower my mouth to her center. I take my time, licking and sucking her delicate skin until she's writhing beneath me, her moans filling the air.

When I finally reach her clit, she cries out, her back arching off the bed as I flick my tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves. I can feel her tension building, her body coiling tighter and tighter with each passing second.

I slide two fingers back inside her, curling them up to hit that perfect spot as I continue to lavish attention on her clit. She's so close, and I want nothing more than to push her over the edge.

Delilah's moans grow louder, her hands fisting in the sheets as she chases her release. And when it finally hits her, it's like a tidal wave, her body convulsing as she screams my name.

I watch her come undone, my own arousal spiking at the sight of her pleasure. When her tremors subside, I move back up her body, capturing her lips in a slow, languid kiss.

"You're incredible," I murmur against her lips.

She looks at me with a fiery determination in her eyes, her cheeks still flushed from her climax. Then, before I can even react, she's rolling me onto my back, her body hovering over mine. The sudden shift catches me off guard, but I'm not complaining. I watch as she straddles my waist, her hands trailing down my chest, teasing and exploring.

Her touch sends shivers down my spine, and I can't help but let out a low groan. She grins wickedly, clearly enjoying the power she has over me.

"I want to make you feel good too, Stylz," she says, her fingers lingering on my belt buckle. "I want to show you just how incredible I can be."
