Page 42 of The Sins that Ruin

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I throw him a withering look. “Really, Smith? Take your parenting issues and fight Orion about them. He’s the one doing your daughter.”

He holds my gaze for two whole seconds before looking back across the street.

Others might have apologized or not gone where I went in the first place. Others would have shriveled and cowered at the thought of pissing off Smith. I really don’t give a fuck. I’m not in the mood to be teased. Or whatever he’s trying to do.

“The older woman with her?”


Scarlett and who looks like a power Manhattan socialite sip coffee from the coffee shop that sells artisanal and ethically sourced beans ground and brewed by hip young men and women who no doubt hold degrees in coffee-making.

Scarlett laughs at something the woman says, but there’s a flatness to it. I’m pretty fucking sure I’m the source of that flatness, even if she came and came last night, almost squeezing my dick off in the process.

Finally, Smith answers. “No, not that I’m aware of. Could be one of thousands of affluent power women. Why?”

“I don’t know… she looks familiar. Hard to tell from here.” Hard to tell without a conversation, which opens up a perfect opportunity to drop in on Scarlett at work one day soon.

If the job isn’t busted open.

If Santa and fairies actually fucking existed.

This isn’t an easy job beneath the surface, because, otherwise, the list would be in the hands of the Knights by now.

I take a swallow of my café americano. “The rep from UR Fantasies set up a meeting with JM today. They want to discuss renting out some of the rooms for various productions.”


“Tomorrow. I told them we’ve had other interest. I’m planning to name-drop some of their competitors.”

“And you think that’ll get them talking?” he asks.

“No,” I say. “I think maybe we’ll get a reaction, see if they’re looking for more than they say.”

This time he frowns. “You suspect them of something?”

“I suspect everyone. But no, not really. I just think it’s worth a shot.”

He nods. “I’ll be there.”

I look back across the road. “Good.”

“Meetings went well this morning. James Malone has a lot of tongues wagging and boots shaking,” he says. “Also… engaged? There’s fast and there’s?—”

“Me.” I snap my fingers at him as Scarlett and the woman go inside. “It’s the best way to cement myself into that world for leads. The boyfriend bullshit wouldn’t be taken seriously, so I made a command decision to pass myself off as her fiancée, instead. Speaking of my newly engaged self, there’s a party coming up. I’ll shoot you the details and an invite. Find someone boring and pretty to take.”

Smith packs up and leaves and I continue to stare at the computer and my list of things for the day. A lot of which is me sitting here until she heads back home. Or maybe she’s going to visit dear old dad, who the fuck knows?

She’s got the key and the door code, and while I don’t suspect her of anything, I am interested in what she might do while she’s there. Does she do more than part-time admin work for the family?

She might be a good fuck, maybe one of the best I’ve had, but that doesn’t change my plans or this job.

I hate what she represents.

And I fucking hate her father.

I was… shit, I don’t remember exactly how old, but enough to remember the man’s face.

Dale was obsessed with my mother. And when he couldn’t have her, he raped her and set it up to make it look like she hit on him. He wanted my father to find out about their affair. And when he did, he kicked us all to the curb. Our lives completely fell apart after that.
