Page 41 of The Sins that Ruin

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He’s a tease, he taunts, bringing me to the edge and backing off. Each climb back is higher, the thrills deeper that wait, just out of reach.

Malone speaks again. “You’re not to come until I say.”

I gasp as his fingers and tongue do wickedly delicious things.

“And if I can’t help it?”

“I’m a sadistic bastard who’ll give pain for pain’s sake, so hold the fuck off.” He licks and sucks and starts to thrust into me. It builds even higher and I’m so on the brink.

He bites down on my clit, sucking it into his mouth, his tongue trilling over the very top and I arch up, gasping. “Stop, please, stop! You’ll make me come!”

“Not yet.”

And he keeps going. Each move makes me moan and gasp. I’m twisting and writhing, trying not to come, chasing the tail of that orgasm anyway. And he dangles it, then whips it away with cruel precision until I can’t stop. I’m stumbling, tumbling, everything melting into a bloom of intense, hot pleasure, and I don’t think I can hold back for another second.

I whimper, and only then does he say the magic words. “Come for me.”

The orgasm makes me explode. My body spasms as waves of bliss hit me hard. He pulls his hand free, and before I can stop coming, he slides his cock into me, thrusting so deep that another orgasm hits me again.

I’m lost. I’m in a sea of sensations and each one of them exquisite, divine. And it could last a minute or an hour. All I know is I’m in love with the feel of him pushing deep into me, stretching me, the thrust of him opening me up, and I raise my hips for more.

When he comes, I come again. This time it rolls up from the depths of my soul and I scream, convulsing.

He fills me, he’s so big I can feel the twitch of him as he releases. And when he pulls out, I almost cry at the loss.

Malone unties my hands and takes off the blindfold and I expect… I don’t know what I expect. Him to get into bed next to me? Him to just walk off and leave me there in a puddle of emotions I don’t understand?

But he shocks me when he pulls off my shoes and tucks me in. Then he pulls on boxer briefs and leaves for a minute, returning with a bottle of water.

“Good night,” he says and walks out one more time.

This time, he doesn’t come back.

And I’m left drowning in the puddle.



“That woman, do you know her?”

Smith considers my words as he taps his fingers on the keyboard in front of him at our sham business lunch meeting, across the road from the wellness center where Scarlett works.

She stands outside, flipping her braided hair over her shoulder. I find the look intriguing. After last night, I didn’t expect that she’d suddenly go for a switch-up from her two preferred styles, messy bun or hair flowing around her shoulders.

It puts things in my head I shouldn’t be thinking about.

Not at this moment.

Scarlett’s also wearing a moss-green floral dress that’s got a high neck with fitted three-quarter sleeves, a skirt that ends above the knee, and low-heeled boots on her feet.

Pleasing, classic, and perfect for a receptionist who’s accessible to those who walk in.

Smith slants a look from her to me. “She’s pretty, West.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve said that before.” I shake my head. “Not fucking Scarlett.”

“Are you?”
