Page 26 of The Sins that Ruin

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I nod. And I go to him. I go down on my knees, hands behind my back, and I look at the floor. It seems right. It fits.

The night I went into his club I saw girls and guys who knelt in front of their masters and mistresses.

I can do it, too.

“It’s a deal if you’ll have me. Sir.”



Feeling like some kind of fairy-tale ogre, I send pretty, fuckable, intriguing Scarlett on her way with a driver, a guy I use for surveillance.

This is a simple job for Joe.

Keep an eye on her for the next two days and report in on her routine—one I already know—to see if there are deviations.

And of course, there are, right out of the gate. She goes to the family townhouse in Sugar Hill and then to see her cousin at her uncle’s place. I think I might keep them like that, the family moving freely.

Under my watch.

Until it’s time to shift them all to the same place.

Now isn’t that time.

The next day, we’re back to Scarlett’s typical routine. She goes to work at that wellness center, the type of business that to me, seems out of place in New York and more at home in LA.

But apart from that?

The reports are mundane, just what I expect.

And I set the wheels in motion.

Give her the time to consider what I’ve asked of her. I’m playing a risky game and I know it. But what the fuck’s life without risk? And risk brings rewards. This time apart will heighten everything for her.

Right now, I can almost guarantee she’s at that idiotic job thinking about me, waiting for my call. She’s fantasizing over what’s going to happen between us in private. How much flesh I’m going to demand. How much she’s going to give. What kind of a woman it makes her to crave so much more after that first taste.

I know she’s struggling with that last one. And that she, of her own volition, got down on her knees and called me fucking Sir.

And I curated that whole situation just for her.

One thing I never expected was just how delicious she was. How she stroked a part of my dark soul, jacked off my libido in such a fucking perfect way.

I don’t think about that, though.

And I don’t think about how tight her sweet cunt was with that one plunge of my cock. Because it felt like a fucking line of poetry, about all we have of heaven and all we need of hell.

Something tells me she’s going to be my version of heaven and hell.

From a kiss that was completely out of character for JM, to one fucking thrust of my cock into her pussy, to owning her tight ass, yeah… more sex with her is going to be heaven.

And hell when I have to leave her behind.

But it’ll be a hell I’m willing to live with.

A hell that’s going to be worth it.

I drop my eyes to my watch. She’ll be at my place—JM’s—in three hours.
