Page 25 of The Sins that Ruin

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I look at Malone, who leans against the desk, right where he fucked me, ankles crossed. He watches me, head slightly cocked, and I’m still trying to deal with the fallout inside from what happened, from what they want me to do… and the fact that I put myself here in the first place.

“Did something happen?” I ask again. “Is Amelia all right?”

“She’s fine, for now. You know—” He stops. “You know I wouldn’t push this, but he wants a ticket, and it’s you.”

“I know.” I close my eyes, bombarded by memories of the softness of Malone’s mouth on mine with that tender kiss one could mistake as sweet, contrasted with the slam of his cock in my ass…

My uncle knows this man wants me. He knows it’s not a sham. He knows.

That’s the clipped part of his voice. He wants to lie to himself to get what they need: protection.

“I don’t know if I can,” I say suddenly. I know, though. That I’ll do it. Because, otherwise, I’d never have gotten on my knees. I’d never have let Malone…

I’d never have let him fuck me.

And I fucking hate the fact I’ll do this, that I want this man I don’t like to take me again.

What the hell does that make me?

“Scarlett…” The clipped tone vanishes as does the distracted quality. A wave of fear rocks me. “If there was another way, we’d take it, but things are getting worse. I shouldn’t tell you, but apart from the attack, someone cut the brakes in your father’s car. He’s all right?—”

“Oh my God?—”

Malone takes the phone from me. “We’re negotiating, Hanlon. Keep the fuck out of it.”

My jaw drops as he ends the call and tosses my phone.

“How dare you?”

“I dare to do a lot of fucking things,” he says, “and in the grand scheme of it all, this is nothing. What did he say?”

I squeeze my hands into tight fists. “Someone cut the brakes on Dad’s car.”

He doesn’t say a damn word.

“Did you hear me?”

“I can make sure that doesn’t happen,” he says. “Again.”


“You’ve got respectability on your side. I have power and the ability to instill fear. People don’t touch anything I claim as mine. You and your family? We do this deal? You’re all mine.”

He knows.

I told him before I blew him, before he fucked me, that I’d do this. But he wants me to mean it. To beg.

And if someone tried to get to Dad in such a blatant way, then Amelia’s more than exposed.

This man wants me to beg? I’ll beg.

He wants me to crawl? I’ll do that, too. And not just to blow him.

If he can protect us, protect them, then…

“Do you promise you can protect them?” I ask, loosening my fists and wringing my hands together.

