Page 126 of The Desires That Burn

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“You know that.”

“But they’re everywhere, we have to?—”

“I have to, not you.” He slides a hand up my thigh. I smack at it, but he’s too quick to pull it away and I end up hitting myself.

I glare. “I can help bring them down.”

“But you won’t.”

I shudder, letting out a shaky breath. “Maybe I need to. For me. For the senator’s son. For all who’ve suffered. Maybe I need to do something. We were violated, Orion.”

Pain etches a story on his face. “I fucking know that.”

“I care. Not only were we violated, but I know they’ve done this, and worse, to others. I don’t want that guy to escape, or anyone else. B-besides, if I call Trent, he’ll see me.”


Orion tugs me to him, pulling me onto his lap. My thighs are on either side of him and his hard cock slides right up against the length of my pussy. When I shiver this time, it isn’t with frustration. I try and stop myself from rocking against him. But I can’t. He feels too good.

I rock and rub and slide my hands up around his neck.

“Orion, I get it. I’m a naïve girl. But I know that even though you all might be a group of killers, the thing is, I have skills, too. I’m a social media star. I have sway.”

“Over what? The latest makeup?”

I bite his chest. “Yes, but people listen to what I say. And?—”

“Fuck, baby girl, you can talk my ear off, threaten, plead, cajole”—he licks my nipple—“and even seduce, but I’m not going to allow you to go out there and put yourself in the line of danger. So let’s pretend I listen, and you get on my cock and ride me. Got it?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

I push down on him and ride him as hard as I can, his cock splitting me as he makes me work for it while he holds onto my ankles.

Every time he bottoms out, my eyes roll back, the pleasure a sudden bloom. He starts to move so his cock rubs against that sweet, sweet spot right up inside me, and it sets off all kinds of chain reactions that burn me up, make me pant, and my pussy clench. I’m half coming when he bites hard on my nipple.

“Daddy!” I scream. The orgasm hits from five different places, rushing down from my nipple to my clit, blooming in bursts from my toes and fingers, engulfing my head as it seems to explode. My clit beats it out, a throb that reaches up inside me. His cock twitches as he comes, too, and my pussy clamps down hard, each pulse pure pleasure.

When we’re done, he stays inside of me and slides me onto the mattress and turns me into him. He’s so warm and there and perfect.

I’m not in subspace as he calls that drunken, dreamy place I go after really intense playing, so I say it. “I love you, Orion.”

He’s silent.

So long that fear clenches my heart.

“If I were another man and things were different, I’d love you, too.”

It’s not much. It sounds insulting.

It feels anything but.

So I take it, hold it like something precious.

Then I drift off. When I wake up, I’m tucked into the comforter.

I don’t know where he is. And my thoughts form into something I can use.

I can spin and give good bullshit.
