Page 125 of The Desires That Burn

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After we have sex again, I’m pretty sure Orion’s playing me.

He doesn’t hold back or force orgasms. He gives me everything I want.

I get to touch and stroke his cock as I suck on it. I get to have him kiss me all over, talk filthy to me.

We spiral down into the depths where games stop and it’s only two people, alone in their own universe, giving and exploring pleasure and all its ways.

When I come up for air, sliding back into reality after the last orgasm in the early hours, I lay awake, thinking. About Jones and Trent and the senator’s son. About the horrors that happened to him they won’t tell me about, about what they wanted to do to me. I think about it all, and how making myself bait can work.

And then I begin to think of the phenomenal, almost fantasy-fulfilled sex session we had.

It comes with an uneasy realization that he maybe wasn’t just playing me.

My temples throb.

No, Orion seduced me. All to stop me from doing what I’m doing now. Thinking and plotting.

Finally, I wake him up.

His eyes snap open instantly, and all that finely honed wall of inked muscle turns to me. Orion runs his finger down along my nipple as he props himself up with his other arm.

A small moan escapes me.

Everything about him is relaxed, almost playful as he says, “Again, baby girl? I’m gonna need some rebound time, or maybe even some help.” But even as he says it, he’s hard, his cock pressed against my thigh. “Of course, I’ll kill whoever takes care of your needs just to make sure you understand who you belong to.”

Everything’s relaxed, playful.

Except his dark eyes.

Those are hard, watching, wary.

Everything other than those are a lie.

I take a breath. “Can we talk?”

“Sure.” And he smiles. “Breakfast?”


The playfulness vanishes. “Dakota…”

“I want to go in and meet with Trent.” My hands fist the sheets. “I’m going to play the game to get answers. Who’s the one who took the senator’s son?”

“I don’t know. It wasn’t my job.”

I look at him. “It was Malone’s. So?—”

“Jones wants whatever Trent has hidden. Malone isn’t going to help you,” he says softly. “Malone does things ultimately for Malone reasons. He’s nice to you. Not your friend. There’s a difference.”

“He’s waiting to see how it plays out and what I’ll do. He cares about you.”

He laughs and steals my pillow as he puts it behind him as he sits up. “Dakota, he’d feed you to Trent if he thought it would get him what he wanted. Jones, too. Your father, me, and Mercer by his marriage to my sister, Ivy, are the only ones keeping you safe.”

I’m not sure how much of that he actually believes. But I’m positive he’s trying to warn me away to protect me. “But I’m not safe. Not at all.”

“When it’s done, you will be.”

I sit up, too. “You don’t want me in this.”
