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Her body clamps tight around me, nearly cutting off circulation and dragging a rough groan from my lips.

“I’ve got you,” I whisper, feeling her body trembling with need. Her gaze locks on mine as I continue to tease, touch, and enjoy her. Coaxing her body to respond, I wait for her to implode.

She lowers to my chest and my hands gather up her hair as her lips meet mine.

“Perfect,” I whisper against her lips. “You're perfect, Lila.” Her tongue tickles my lower lip and I open for her, loving the sheer desperation in her movements.

With every motion, she drags me closer and closer to the edge, but I need to feel her come undone first. I need to see the passion in her eyes, feel her body flutter around me.

I'm lost in the heat, the friction, the desperate motion of our bodies. My hands explore her skin, needing to feel every inch of her, every tremble and pulse that ripples through her. The world outside us fades into nothingness as I hold her close, my teeth nibbling her lower lip before she pulls away. Sitting upright once more, she grabs my hands and brings them to her breasts in a way that drives me wild.

She moans, her voice thick and full of need. She arches, tossing her head back as her body clenches tight around mine.

“Come for me, Lila.”

My words seem to surprise her, and a sound breaks from her throat that puts me in a tailspin of need. Her body clenches around me, then relaxes into a fluttering that catapults me to the edge. Ecstasy crashes over me like a wave, relentless and all-consuming as I release deep within her, loving the sensation of our moisture mingling and our bodies working together in this ultimate show of need, desire, and pleasure.

She collapses on me, resting on my chest as her breaths come in ragged gasps. She’s still pulsing around me as I wind my arms around her, holding her tight. Her hand finds my cheek, and she lifts her face from my chest long enough to kiss me once more, the sweet gesture so relaxed and loving my heart melts.

“Are you okay?” Her whisper is soft, intimate.

“I’ve never been better,” I say, closing my eyes and enjoying the sensation of her skin on mine.

As the gravity of what we’ve done and the situation we’re already in becomes clear, I wonder if I’ve messed things up.

This wasn’t part of the plan.

I’m not unhappy, but I worry that this might alter the course of our agreement.

She must sense the shift in my mood. “What are you thinking about?” she asks, lifting her head to look me in the eyes with that sleepy gaze of hers.

“You,” I say, deftly sidestepping the reality of my thoughts and spinning them into something that sounds sweet.

Her lips curve up at the corners and she rests her cheek on my chest once more as if listening to the beating of my heart. I stroke her back with my fingertips, loving the way she reacts to my touch.

I didn’t intend for things to happen this way. But if she’s proven anything, it’s that no matter how much I plan, she’s going to do the unexpected.

Chapter Sixteen


I know I made a mistake.

I shouldn’t have slept with him.

As I trace the contours of his face, watching the worry lines soften under my delicate touch, I wonder what the heck is wrong with me. Am I just trying to self-sabotage? Do I want to ruin my own life? Am I dumb?

I'm reasonably certain he's fallen asleep based on the rise and fall of his chest. Even though I feel safe in this moment with him, I still know that I screwed up. Despite my joy, my choices come with a certain weight that I can’t deny... or avoid.

“Stupid,” I whisper to myself, an ache accompanying the single word.

“Hey,” he says, dismantling my thought that he'd fallen asleep. “Don’t do that.”

I'm not sure what he's talking about, if he's telling me I shouldn't call myself stupid, or that I shouldn't speak the truth out loud like this is some child's game, and saying it out loud will breathe life into the words and make them real.

“Don't pull away,” he whispers.

But I can't help myself. I know why I did what I did. His mother's venomous words still echo inside me, and I can't get the way she looked at her own son out of my mind. I can't understand why a mother would want to cut her son so deep.
