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“Hey,” she says softly, reaching up to brush her fingertips along my forehead. Her touch sparks something other than anger—something urgent and raw. “I’m on your side,” she whispers, her gaze lowering to my lips in that telltale sign she’s thinking about kissing me.

I catch her hand, pressing her palm against my cheek. “Don't,” I warn, but my voice betrays me, rough with need. If she keeps pushing...

She ignores my protest, rising on tiptoes to press her lips to mine.

The kiss is soft, questioning at first, but I can’t do soft—not now. Not with everything boiling and twisted inside me. I crush her body to me, my hands finding the small of her back and the perfect curve of her ass, pulling her closer.

Lila responds with a passion that leaves me hungry for more as her body molds to mine. She’s all soft curves and heat, a danger with the hard edges of my anger. “I've got you,” she whispers against my lips, and for a moment, I almost believe her. But what she doesn’t know would change everything.

Her hands roam up my chest, to grip my shoulders, igniting trails of fire along my skin. I groan, my body reacting with a primal urge to claim her, to make her mine. She must feel how ready I am, rock-hard and straining against the confines of my slacks.

“Let me...,” she breathes out, leaving the rest unsaid, but clear in her intentions as her lips meet mine and part, offering me entrance. Her words are not just an offer—they’re a plea. One that I'm powerless to resist.

“God, yes,” I growl, my voice thick with desire and need. My hands press flat to her backside, grinding her against the front of me. She whimpers, her head falling back and exposing her long, delicate throat. I lean in, pressing my lips to the ultra-soft skin there. I want her. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone.

Lila’s fingers wrap around the back of my neck, bringing me back to her lips as her passion-clouded gaze meets mine. In that split second before contact, I’d swear I see a flash of something deeper, warmer, more forbidden than this undeniable desire.

The sound of her whimpers of pleasure are nearly drowned out by the pounding of blood in my ears. Everything narrows down to the sensation of her touch, her warmth, the promise of sweet release she’s offering without realizing what that means.

Does she know how much I want her? How hard it is for me to hold back right now?

“Take me to bed.” Her whisper is soft, yet commanding, her breath cool on my damp lips. Her eyes lock on mine, promising that she’s as hungry for this as I am.

Without hesitation, I sweep her up into my arms, her slight frame easy to carry, as if she's made to fit against me like this. I navigate the familiar path to her room, each step amplifying the urgency coursing through my veins.

I lower her onto the bed, our lips never parting. Her hand cups my cheek, her hips moving against me in a way that drives me wild.

Her overheated, nearly feverish body beneath mine urges me to kiss her deeper, to savor the taste and sweetness of her desire. The ache in my body is visceral, demanding, relentless, and when she arches her back and tilts her hips in a clear invitation, I almost lose my control. With her pressed to me, grinding like this, the thoughts vacate my mind, leaving only a primal need behind.

My teeth scrape her jaw as her hands find their way under my shirt, her fingers graceful and determined. She peels my shirt from my torso and the cooler air of her room hits my skin.

Next, her fingers find my waist, deftly unbuttoning my pants, stripping away the last of my barriers between us. My breath hitches as my slacks lower around my hips, held up only by my desire for her. She’s still dressed, yet I want her naked, writhing under me, begging me for more.

So, I return the favor, stripping away her shirt, freeing her perfect breasts, whisking her pants down her legs, removing every barrier that keeps her hidden from me. Each piece of clothing discarded feels like unwrapping the most exciting, important gift in a culmination of every holiday. I don’t own her, but for this moment, she’s mine.

Our kisses punctuate the undressing, desperate, and claiming, as if we can't get close enough, fast enough. And as our clothing all piles on the floor, we meet skin to skin, and she lets out a groan of sheer hunger.

The world narrows down to the space where our bodies meet, the electric current of skin on skin.

“Damn, Lila,” I growl, my voice catching as my body aligns with hers. “I've waited so long for you.” The words are barely out before I slide inside her, the sensation drawing a moan from deep within her that vibrates against my soul. Her slick body welcomes me, and her fingers dig into my shoulders, nails sharp as she arches up to meet me. She’s warm, fits me like we were made for one another, and she’s everything I imagined and more. I start to move, each thrust sending bolts of pleasure to the end of every nerve.

“Fredrick.” My name is a gasp on her red lips. Her hips meet mine with every motion, pushing me further, pulling me deeper.

“Tell me what you want.” I nuzzle into her neck, tasting the soft skin there as I press her body down into the bed, pinning her helplessly under me. My movements become more insistent, punctuating every word. “I want to hear you.”

“More...” It's all she manages between ragged breaths, but it's enough. I oblige.

“Please...” Her voice is a mix of plea and demand as my fingers lace with hers and hold her down. I feel her hips buck and I roll with her, watching her ride me without missing a beat. She sits up, her motions desperate as I trail my fingertips down her sides from her ribs to her hips, feeling her shiver beneath my touch.

“I want to explore every inch of you,” I murmur, tracing the contours of her that drive me wild with my eyes.

Her eyes squeeze closed and her lips clamp down as if to keep herself quiet. “Don’t you dare hold back,” I whisper and her eyes open, her gaze locking on mine.

The sounds of sex fill the air, the scent of her perfume and flowers filling my nose, the soft, velvety feel of her skin under my fingertips make me feel more at home than I’ve ever felt before now.

My hands move with purpose, worshiping the curves that have haunted my dreams since the moment I saw her. Goosebumps break out along her flesh as I touch and tickle, tug and tease. The heat between us builds as she moves with reckless movements fueled by a need for release. Her body reacts to my touch, her lips murmur my name.

I plant my hands on her hips, hurrying her movements as I feel her tighten around me. I don’t want her to stop, to deny herself this. Her hands find my shoulders as she leans forward over me, her body mouthwatering, but just out of reach of my lips and teeth. Reaching up with both hands, I hold her ribs. Rubbing the pads of both thumbs across the pebbles of her nipples, I want to taste her more than anything.
