Page 99 of The Sinner

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Ridge looked at Rhett. “It’s not a bad idea.”

Out of the two, Ridge had warmed to us first.

Not scalding—shit, not even toasty—just a hint of heat to take away the chill. That was where he stood with us.

“I think it’s an excellent idea,” Rowan chimed in. “I tried to book a flight to Banff last week, and the plane wasn’t available.”

“We flew fucking commercial,” Cooper added, clearly annoyed. “Because Macon was in Hawaii with Brooklyn.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t get me going on Macon’s Hawaii trips.” I groaned. “He’s the reason I’ve also had to fly commercial.”

“Hey,” Macon countered, “it’s not my fault I’m more organized than you fools and I book my trips far in advance.”

I tapped the screen of my phone as it sat on the table, pulling up my email, where I’d pre-written some information to the team, and I hit Send. “If you all check your inboxes, you’ll see the planes that are available from the manufacturer I’ve selected. There are many builders. This one has impressed me the most. Their headquarters is in Dallas. I’ll be going there soon to look at each of the jets on that list.”

“And you’re bringing us with you?” Rhett asked.

The asshole was suddenly interested?

I didn’t play that way.

“That wasn’t an invitation,” I told him. “I’m going to Dallas alone. If I decide one of the jets is right for us, I’ll make the purchase. You can then go look at the remaining planes to see if there’s a third one you want to buy.” I glanced at both families. “If anyone is opposed to this plan, speak now.”

Not that I’d listen, but it was only right to give them a chance to voice their opinions.

Silence ticked through the room.

Until Ridge said, “I’d like to hear about what went down in Edinburgh.”

Finally, a question that made fucking sense.

Before I answered, I peeked at my brothers, waiting for a smart-ass comment on why I hadn’t been in the office for the last two days.

They knew I was home.

They also knew I wasn’t alone.

But the two of them were tight-lipped.

Pleased that they’d refrained, I said, “The governing officials weren’t happy about some of the changes I’d proposed to the facade of the property. They want the structure to be uniform with those around it. They’re afraid I’m modernizing it too much.”

Jo’s brows shot up. “How did the conversation go? Or maybe I should ask, who bent first?”

“I told them to go fuck themselves,” I replied, chuckling.

Cooper whistled. “Scotland doesn’t realize who they’ve gotten in bed with. Poor bastards don’t stand a chance.”

“Trust me, they realize now,” I said to my brother.

“You mean to tell me they’re letting you change the exterior?” Rhett asked.

I licked my lips. “No. They told me to go fuck myself.”

The room burst out in laughter.

“Sounds like you’ve met your match.” Rowan snorted.

I held the edge of the table, hating that I had to admit, “I have to play nice, or they won’t let the sale go through. They’ve made that clear. All I can do is clean up the exterior and give it the polish that it needs. As for the interior, they have zero say. That’s a hundred percent me.”
