Page 100 of The Sinner

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“So, things are moving along,” Macon said. “When will you be closing?”

“Three weeks,” I answered. “The plane will be purchased before, allowing my weekly commute to be seamless.”

“Because your commute back and forth to Scotland is our top priority,” Rhett said, his posture telling me he was ready to go to battle. “When, really, you should be moving there during the rehab, so you don’t tie up the plane.”

“I’m happy to buy the plane with my own money,” I told him, leaning even further into my chair, my arms crossed over my chest. “I’ll bill the company for the gas and the crew. Your choice.”

“You just don’t give a fuck, do you?” Rhett asked. “It’s not about what’s right for Cole and Spade?—”

“There’s where you’re wrong.” I slapped my hand on the table. “I do give a fuck. Edinburgh is going to be one of the largest rehabs we’ve ever done. I did my damn homework, and when that hotel is up and running, it’s going to be one of our most profitable. But what you’ve neglected to ask me is why I’m not moving there.” My eyes narrowed. “Ask the question, Rhett.”

He continued to stare and said nothing.

“I’m revamping our payroll system. The same way I streamlined the check-in process for our guests and a backend system for our entire network of hotels. Had you read the email I sent yesterday while I was out, then I wouldn’t have had to tell you. You would have already known this.” I put up my finger when I could tell a response was about to howl out of him. “Now, you’re going to ask who put me in charge of that task or what gives me the right to rewrite the system. That answer is me. As the chief technical officer, I have every right. And that’s not something I’m comfortable doing from afar. I need to work with accounting to make sure every step of that process is done correctly.” I rubbed my palms together. “Do you still call that not giving a fuck?”

He stood from his chair. “I’ve heard enough.”

I nodded. “I don’t blame you.”

Ridge’s head fell and shook. “You’re certainly going to have your hands full, Brady.” He pointed at the door. “I’m going to follow him out.”

When they were gone and the door was shut, I looked at Rowan and said, “Your fucking brothers.”

“What? That was the biggest improvement we’ve had,” she replied. “Rhett wanted to choke you out and didn’t. I would consider that massive progress.” She smiled.

“Agreed,” Macon, the goddamn golden retriever, said. “You can’t convince me that wasn’t one of our best meetings yet.”

Rowan put her hand on Cooper’s shoulder. “Congratulate your brother for not raising his voice at Rhett and ripping him a new asshole, please.”

Cooper laughed at his girl. “Fuck shop talk.” He looked at me. “I want to know why Diesel was on Dominick’s flight to Vegas today.”

“Jesus Christ,” I growled.

“Diesel was on Dom’s flight?” Macon said to Cooper.

“I can confirm that he was,” Jo said, smiling.

“Oh, this is about to get spicy.” Macon grinned at me.

“For the record, our brother hired Diesel to protect Lily, Dominick’s flight attendant,” Cooper replied. “So, when he tries to say he didn’t and he attempts to avoid the topic altogether, you’ll know the truth.”

I pounded my fist down. “I’m in the fucking room, you know.”

“She isn’t just some flight attendant, is she, Brady?” Rowan asked. “She’s your girlfriend.”

“Who you haven’t even admitted to us that you’re dating,” Cooper added.

I looked at Jo. “You’re over there, fucking smiling, and I’m positive you have plenty to say. Do you want to come out with it or stay silent?”

“I’m enjoying every second of this without feeling the need to say a word.” Jo winked.

I knew once this conversation was really had, I would get all the shit.

I deserved it for the things I’d said to them over the years.

But still, fuck that.

“Let me also say this,” Cooper voiced, eyeing the hell out of me. “I know you’re sitting over there, scheming your way out of this little chat we’re about to have. But it’s time you come clean, especially since we know you’ve been into her for a while.”
