Page 64 of The Sinner

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What the hell was wrong with me?

Why wasn’t that one of the first inquiries I’d made during our flight today? I needed to think of a way around this. How could I get the room number for a woman whose full name I didn’t know?

“The corporate account of Cole and Spade Hotels reserved four rooms for tonight,” I said. “Mine, two others under male names, and the fourth is under Lily. I need the number to her room.”

“I’m sorry, sir.” She shook her head. “That’s information I can’t disclose to you.”

“But my company is the one who reserved the rooms. Why can’t I have access to room numbers that I’m paying for?”

I knew the answer. Because any employee at Cole and Spade Hotels would say the identical thing the lady was voicing to me now.

I just didn’t want to hear it.

I took out my wallet, removed the thousand pounds I had inside, and slapped the money on the counter. “How about you reconsider?”

She glanced at the money, her stare slowly rising to me.

When she didn’t move or say a word, I continued, “Mr. MacGregor—your boss, the owner of this hotel—is selling the hotel to me in about two months. Once the sale goes through, Cole and Spade Hotels is who you’re going to be working for, and I’m going to be your boss.” My patience was dying with each word. “I understand why you can’t give me that info. I’m asking you to look past those rules.” I glanced at my watch. “Don’t make me call Mr. MacGregor and ask him to get it for me since you won’t.”

I watched the information pass across her face. It didn’t take more than a few moments before her hands were on the keyboard.

“You’re Brady Spade?”

“Yes,” I all but fucking growled.

The keyboard clicked again several more times.

“I see the four rooms.” She paused. “Yours, the two that are under the other gentlemen.” She glanced at me. “And the one under Lily’s name.”

“And her room number is?”

She sighed. “Three twenty-nine.”

My hand lifted from the stack. “Spend it on something good.”

“No, no, I can’t accept that?—”

“But you will.”

I left the money on the counter and headed for the elevators, pressing the Up button until one of the doors opened. I hit the Three as soon as I got inside, slamming the button to close the doors so no one else would join me. Once the door slid open on the third floor, I was out, hurrying down the hallway toward her room, knocking the second I arrived.

It felt like twenty fucking minutes had gone by until I finally heard, “Brady, what are y-you doing here?”

“I have your food.” I held it up so she could see the bag through the peephole.

“Just l-leave it outside. I’ll get it-t in a little while.”

Was she crying? Was that why her tone sounded so off? Why was there a shakiness to her words?

“Open the door, Lily.”

“I c-can’t. I’ll see you t-tomorrow?—”

“Like hell you can’t.” I held the doorframe and leaned closer to the wood. “I’m not going anywhere until you show me your face. I’ll stay here all night if I have to.”

“My f-face?”

“I need to put my eyes on you. Once that happens, I’ll leave. You have my word.”
