Page 63 of The Sinner

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I hated this.

Oh God, I despised this.

Even more so when I had to say, “I have to go.”

“Why? Because that motherfucker knocked into you? Are you hurting?—”


His hand was on my waist as I stood. “Tell me why, Lily. Tell me what just changed that’s making you leave me.”

I shook my head, a war happening within those walls that couldn’t be defined in a few sentences. “I can’t.”

“I’ll go with you?—”

“No.” I squinted, the emotion burning my eyelids.

I wished I didn’t have to give him that answer. I wished I weren’t on my feet right now. I wished there wasn’t something in my life that was causing this fear.

“I’ll see you on the plane tomorrow,” I said as loudly as I could even though it was so soft I wasn’t sure he’d heard me, and I rushed toward the elevators.



What the fuck just happened?

That was the question filling my head as I watched Lily run for the elevators, like a goddamn intruder was chasing her.

It couldn’t have been something I’d said—I’d said nothing inappropriate.

Could it have been the way I was touching her?

But she had leaned into my hand, her eyes closed, a contentment coming through her expression, as if she were on the verge of falling asleep.

And then, out of nowhere, everything changed.

It happened as quickly as the flip of a switch. Even the way she looked at me was different.

The more time I spent with her, the more questions I had, and the more confusing things got. She had just started to open up, I was finally getting some truth out of her, and once that asshole had knocked into her, nothing was the same after.


As I reached for my scotch, needing a full glass, which I knew I didn’t have, I saw her bag resting right next to my tumbler. There were several containers of food inside. When she’d darted away, she’d forgotten it.

I couldn’t toss it. She was probably starving and too stubborn to come back and get it.

Damn it.

I waved the bartender over. “I need my bill.”

“Sure thing.” He tapped the computer screen in front of him several times and handed me a paper slip.

I quickly filled out each line and dropped the pen, carrying the bag to the front desk, waiting until it was my turn.

“I need the room number for Lily—” My voice cut off as I was speaking to the clerk when I realized I didn’t know Lily’s last name.

I still hadn’t asked her for it.
