Page 47 of The Sinner

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Fuck me.

I might as well dig my own grave.

“You want to know the truth?” I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs and wiping my hands over the top of my shorts. “When I went to the restroom at the game, I met a woman in the hallway. She was sitting in the suite next to ours. We exchanged numbers, and she texted me as soon as the game was over. I had a small window of opportunity.” I took another drink of water, wishing it were scotch, which still hadn’t been delivered. “That’s where I was.”

“And it lasted so long that you couldn’t join us once you were done?” Ford asked. “Because it was after three in the morning when we returned to the hotel, and we were blowing your ass up with texts the whole time. That’s quite a few hours. I’m sure you’re a fucking superhero in the bedroom, but come on, man.”

“Whose side are you on?” I shot back.

“The truth’s side,” he answered.

I shook my head. “I fell asleep. Stop making this into something it’s not.”

“In whose bed?” Macon asked. “Yours or hers?”


My attention was drawn to Jenner, whose hands were clapping, making a sound that captured all our focus. “That was quite the performance.”

My eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“I sat next to you at the game,” Jenner said. “You didn’t leave the suite once to use the bathroom. But if that’s the story you want to go with, I’ll give an A for creativity. As for truth, you failed. Hard.”

The table turned silent.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, the waitress appeared, setting two glasses of scotch in front of me.

I picked one up and downed every drop.

As soon as I set the tumbler back on the table, Jenner said, “Fellas, I think we have our answer.”




That was what I’d been asking myself since the Daltons and Spades had boarded the plane over three hours ago. I wanted nothing more than to dissolve into the expensive carpet beneath my feet. It wasn’t that the guys were giving me looks as though they knew I’d spent the night with Brady and the embarrassment was eating at me. There was none of that. It was having Brady so close for the entire leg of this trip.

All I could smell was his scent.

All I could feel was the touch of his hands.

All I could see was his stare.

And all of it … was way too much.

There was a little comfort in the fact that once he’d left my room, he never came back. He didn’t surprise me the next evening with a knock at my door, and I never ran into him at the hotel. Based on what he’d said to me—that he’d gotten my message when I delivered his clothes to the bed—I hadn’t expected to see him until now.

That didn’t mean, deep down, I wasn’t secretly disappointed.

That I wasn’t asking myself why things couldn’t be different.

Why I couldn’t be different.

Why my life couldn’t have taken a different direction.

Maybe then, every time I passed Brady in the aisle, our eyes locking, I wouldn’t immediately look away. I wouldn’t worry that if he showed up again, that could result in a second knock on my door.
