Page 46 of The Sinner

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“Dude, what the fuck happened to you last night?” Cooper asked as I joined the guys at their table.

There was only one chair available, between Ford and Macon, which had clearly been saved for me. If Dominick hadn’t texted me the name of the restaurant, I probably would have bailed on brunch.

“I was busy.” I set my napkin on my lap and took a long drink from the glass of water in front of me.

I knew my absence from the post-game partying was going to spark a shit ton of questions and accusations—none that I had any patience for.

I wasn’t going to talk about Lily.

What had happened between us.

Where my head was at.

Because, fuck, I had no idea what I was thinking or doing.

“Busy doing who?” Macon asked.

I glanced around the circle, my best buds all staring back at me, grinning like fucking assholes. “Listen, there are plenty of other things we can talk about right now. Like what we’re doing after this.”

“Oh, we know what we’re doing after this,” Jenner said. “That was a conversation we had prior to you arriving. What’s far more interesting is what you were doing before you got here.”

“Give it up,” I groaned, squeezing the wet glass, looking around the restaurant for a server I could track down so I could order a goddamn drink.

“If you just come clean, we’ll stop bothering you,” Ford said.

I glared at Dominick. “Dude, get your brothers under control. Right fucking now.”

My best friend laughed, seeing straight through my bullshit. “You realize what you’re asking, don’t you?” He leaned his elbows on the table. “There isn’t a single motherfucker at this table who’s going to lay off until you come clean. We both know that. The sooner you cave, the easier you’re going to make this process on us.”

Dominick wouldn’t spill. We had that kind of relationship. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t goad me into telling the rest of them.

“You all suck.” I ran my hand over the top of my hair, strands that were still wet from the shower.

The one where I’d jerked myself off until I came into the stream of water. After seeing Lily’s ass this morning, that was the only thing that would get rid of my raging hard-on.

A guy walked by that was wearing a polo with the restaurant logo, and I waved him over.

“Bring me a scotch,” I told him.

“I’ll let your waitress know,” he replied.

“While you’re at it, tell her to bring me two.” When I looked back at the guys, I ground my teeth. Maybe if I gave them a bite, it would be enough. “I was with a woman. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.”

Cooper crossed his arms over his chest. “But to give up a night out with the guys for pussy? That’s not you. You’re the guy who gets pussy after the night is over, not when it’s just beginning.”

“I second that,” Macon added.

“An opportunity presented itself. I acted on it.” I shrugged. “Sue me.”

“We’re all family here, brother,” Jenner said, nodding at each one of them as though he needed their backing. “There’s no reason for you to keep anything from us.”

My neck fell backward as I laughed.

Who the fuck was he kidding? There was every reason to keep my mouth shut. Because the moment I opened it, I’d never hear the end of it.

I was the sibling and friend who had never wanted any of these guys to settle down. The one who had given them endless shit whenever they told me they were dating someone.

They knew I didn’t hit it more than once. So, if I admitted Lily was twice …
