Page 44 of The Sinner

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I chuckled.

This woman was full of surprises.

“You did all right.”

Her brows rose. “Just all right? Because if you’re telling me I can’t move, then that’s more than all right.”

I wasn’t going to give her a head that was as big as mine.

“I have an idea.”

Her smile grew. “Yeah?”

“Why don’t you stop asking questions and fucking kiss me?”

The second my eyes opened from the deepest sleep, piña colada was all I could smell. The scent was on the pillow my head rested on; it was in the air of the hotel room. Fuck, it was even all over me.

But it wasn’t the aroma that made my brain go from zero to a goddamn million.

It was the fact that the sun was coming through the blinds and I was still here.

In her bed.

And I’d spent the night.

Something I’d hardly ever done with another woman.

But after a shower and a second round of sex, where I’d fucked her against the wall and on top of the desk before finally ending on the bed, I’d only intended to lie down and take a quick rest.

I certainly hadn’t planned on staying until morning.

Because I never stuck around this long.

But something had made me so relaxed that I didn’t get up. It hadn’t been the drinks I had at the game or what went down in this room before I climbed under the covers.

What the fuck was it?—

“Good morning.”

Lily’s sleepy, raspy voice pulled me away from my thoughts. A tone that was even sexier than she usually sounded.

She’d been dozing along my side, and with my arm stretched across the top of the bed, she was balled up under my armpit. She only had to glance up for our eyes to lock.

“Morning,” I replied, sitting up a little more to rest my head on the headboard.

She looked past me to the nightstand, where there was an alarm clock. “It’s eight thirty? My God!” She turned away from me and rolled onto her back, pulling the blanket up to her neck. “I haven’t slept in like this in ages.”

“That’s what happens when you run into me on a private jet and answer a late-night knock at your door.”

She giggled. “No kidding.” An exhale followed her laugh. “Funny, the one time I sleep that hard and that soundlessly is with you.”

“What’s funny about that?”

She was quiet for a moment. “Girl things you wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me.”

“Ah, but it’s complicated.”
