Page 43 of The Sinner

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“You’re fucking me like you want to get me off.”

She set her arms on my shoulders, pulling our chests closer together. “What if I do?”

She didn’t pause. If anything, her speed was increasing.

“I’d lift you into the air and pound my orgasm through you.”

Her hands lifted to my face. “No. No, no.” She let out a long, deep moan. “You’re not moving. You’re staying right here. And you’re going to take what I give you.”


“No argument. You lost that ability when you shifted the power to me.” She nuzzled my lips. “So, take it, Brady, and enjoy it.”

It was like her cunt was a fucking vacuum, her speed on sprint level.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed.

Just the sound I wanted to hear.

I cupped her ass—another one of my favorite parts of her body—and I held on.

That was all I could do.

What I’d been ordered to do.

And as much as I hated that, nothing made me happier in this moment.

Especially as her pussy practically fastened around me, as she began to buck over me, as the wave of wetness told me just what was happening in her body.

I couldn’t hold it off.

Not with how incredible she felt.

Not with a view this stunning.

“Lily!” Within a few pumps, I was filling the condom. “Fuck me!”

“Yes!” she shouted. “Come with me!”

I gripped her harder, driving my fingers into the cheeks of her ass. “Damn it!”

Words were lost in my mind. I couldn’t remember a time when something had felt like this. When an orgasm had projected through my body with an intensity this debilitating.

My muscles turned weak.

My breath became labored.

All I could do was grasp her, clutch her with both hands while she sucked everything out of me. And as she finished, when we both reached the end of our peaks, she lagged her thrusts until she was completely still.

It was then that my arms wrapped around her, making sure she didn’t move.

I didn’t even want her lifting off my shaft.

I was that sensitive.

“Don’t you dare,” I snarled, repeating that famous line as she slightly lifted. “You’re staying right here.”

She locked our eyes. “What’s going on, Mr. Spade? Did I surprise you?” She smiled. “Did I give you exactly what you never knew you wanted?”
