Page 33 of The Sinner

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“I thought you were going for a hat trick,” Jenner said to Beck.

“I was.” Beck smiled.

Jenner pounded Beck’s fist. “You owe me a grand for not getting one.”

“You took a live bet?” Beck asked him.

“After your second goal, I sure as shit did,” Jenner responded.

Beck shook his head. “You should have heard the shit Bartosz was talking to me before the game,” he said, referring to Tampa’s goalie. He grabbed a towel and wiped his arms and hands. “I wanted nothing more than to make him pay for those words, so, yeah, I was going for three. I just couldn’t make it happen. Their defense played better tonight than I’d thought they would.”

“Still, two had to feel good,” Macon offered.

“It’ll feel even better when they come to LA in a few weeks and we crush them again.” Beck dropped the towel onto the bench behind him.

“What’s the deal with Bartosz?” Cooper asked. “Just some game-day sparring, or does it go deeper than that?”

Beck shrugged with a sly grin on his face.

“Maybe you should fuck his girlfriend and really stir shit up,” Dominick said.

“Maybe I already have,” Beck countered.

“My man,” I said, grabbing Beck’s shoulder.

“We’re heading out for some drinks,” Dominick told him. “Hopefully, you’ve got a little time, so you can join us. When do you guys fly out?”

“As soon as the team hits the showers, we’re headed to the airport to fly to the east coast of Florida. We have a game there tomorrow night. Then, Nashville, Chicago, and home.” He ran his hand over his wet hair. “Wish I could join you fellas. Tampa is a sick city to party in.”

I squeezed his shoulder before I released him. “We’ll see you when you get back to LA, and we’ll do plenty of partying there. Glad we could catch this game.”

“Happy you guys made it.” He shook my hand.

As soon as he released me, he went around the group, shaking everyone else’s hand, and then we made our way out of the locker room and through the exit on the side of the arena.

We were only a few steps past the door when Dominick, who was leading us, turned around and faced us. “My assistant made us reservations at a whiskey bar. It’s within walking distance. We’ll go there first and then head to the rooftop bar that’s across the street from our hotel. We have a table there. If things stay hot, we’ll stay until closing. If things die out, she reserved us a table at another bar down the street.”

“Fuck yeah,” Macon voiced. “Let’s go.”

The plans Dominick had arranged sounded fun, and I was on board for all of it. I wanted nothing more than to hang with these guys and get shit-faced.

But since we’d left the hotel and walked to the game, a thought had been nagging at me.


And it was something I needed to do first before I even considered going to a bar and drinking more.

I shifted my stance, eyeing the Cole and Spade Hotel that stood taller than the others around it, with its mirrored facade and unique architecture. A property I hadn’t spent much time at, but one I enjoyed far more than I’d expected.

“Aren’t you coming?” Cooper asked.

I looked back at the group, realizing he was speaking to me and that everyone had joined Dominick, where they were all now standing several steps away from me.

Damn it.

I could already hear the words that were about to be shouted in my direction.

But that wasn’t the only reason I was cursing in my head.
