Page 32 of The Sinner

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“He’s not my man.”

He couldn’t be.

But I certainly knew that what she’d described was his thing.

And after experiencing him, I knew that was my thing too.

“You know what I mean.” She giggled. “They’re honestly a wonderful family. I can’t say a bad word about them. Respectful, mature, and it seems they really must have a good head on their shoulders because they’re running an empire.”

“Spade Hotels. That is an empire.”

“Cole and Spade Hotels now since the merger, making their company even larger than it already was. I wouldn’t hate waking up with that much money in my bank account. How about you?”

Money had never been my motivation as a kid or an adult. I just wanted to do what would make me happy. Even when my parents died and I inherited their house and savings, I didn’t spend any of it. I earned my own money and didn’t need theirs.

And what I’d earned and what I’d inherited hadn’t brought me happiness.

Because even though I was financially comfortable, happiness was an emotion I hardly ever felt.

But I’d felt it with Brady.

Aubrey didn’t know that side of me.

No one did.

“Hey, Aubrey, do you know?—”

My voice cut off at the sound of a knock on my door. Knuckles hitting three consecutive times in a row from a hand that had strength and power.

The pilots would have texted me if they needed something. Plus, they didn’t know what room I was in.

That only left one other person it could be.

Oh God.

Every hair on my body was now standing straight.

My heart pounded so hard I swore it was going to come through my skin. My flesh went from cold to hot to cold again.

My mouth turned dry.

“Aubrey, I’ve got to call you back.”

“If I don’t answer, it’s because the baby?—”

A second set of knocks rapped against my door, and I pulled the phone away from my face and disconnected the call.



“That was one hell of a win,” I said to Beck, standing along the side of the locker room, in front of the bench where he was taking off his jersey and shoulder pads. “And that last goal? Shit, you were on fire.”

The accommodations in Tampa were much different than his locker room in LA. The owner of the Whales spared no expense when it came to the luxury and comfort of his players. I couldn’t speak about the room they provided for their visitors. For all I knew, it could look exactly like this one, but whenever we visited Beck after a game, it was as five-star as one of our hotels.

“Things weren’t looking good at the end of the first period,” he admitted, wiping his brow, the sweat still pouring from the top of his head.

“But you turned it around quite fast,” Dominick replied. “The momentum completely shifted when you scored the goal at the beginning of the second.”
