Page 30 of The Sinner

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Just him and me.

But the reality was, that was far from the truth.

Maybe with other women, that was possible.

Not with me.

That admittance was what took hold of me as I left my room and went down to the hotel lobby. The resort was beautiful, directly on the water, backed up to a marina. The front-desk clerk, when I’d checked in to the hotel with the pilots, told us we were in the Channelside section of Tampa. A quick search on my phone showed the list of bars and restaurants in the area. Every cuisine I could ever crave was nearby, along with outdoor and indoor bars, live music, and lots of walking paths and parks.

I had the next couple of days off, and for tonight, I planned on finding a spot outside, in an area that was well suited for people-watching, where I could order a drink and take in the scenery. But first, I wanted to wander. I wanted to cruise the boardwalk by the marina and check out the boats and smell the salty air. I wanted to meander under the bridges and experience a water taxi and have some ice cream and admire the windows of the shops.

As I reached the revolving door that separated the lobby from the street, there was a vibration in my purse.

A rattle that was as startling as a fire alarm.

I reached inside the small bag and pulled out my cell. As I read the words on the screen, my feet halted.

My free hand clenched into a fist.

My teeth ground together, my jaw locking, an instant headache splitting my skull.



A word I found myself internally screaming so many times per day.

I looked at the sidewalk through the glass, craving the city I’d been excited to explore—the humid air, the scents, all goading me.

But I wasn’t stepping out.

I was going back to my room.

I turned around and stopped at the store inside the lobby, robotically going over to the shelves that housed the alcohol to grab a bottle of vodka that I brought up to the register.

“There are mixers over there”—the woman behind the counter pointed to the opposite side of the store—“if you’re looking for some cranberry or orange juice or even tonic.”

“No need.” I kept my eyes on the clear liquid inside the glass. “I want it straight up.”

“I like the way you drink.”

I handed her enough cash that would cover the transaction and walked to the elevator, glancing behind me before I stepped inside. I leaned on the side wall prior to hitting the button for my floor. And I stared at the top of the bottle as the door opened, checking the space outside, and then I quickly made my way to my room.

When is this going to end?

A sentence I repeated every day as well.

Not just daily though.

Several times a fucking day.

And I never had an answer.

I tossed my bag on the desk and kicked my shoes off, closing the curtains and turning off the lamps. When the room was dark, I grabbed one of the glasses off the counter and carried it with the bottle into bed, pouring enough into the cup that I wouldn’t have to constantly refill it.

I exhaled the air I’d been holding in and pressed my back against the headboard. My feet dived into the mattress, heels pushing as hard as they could kick. With my eyes closed, I tapped the back of my head against the fabric-covered headboard, the cushion preventing the banging from hurting.

By accident, my eyes opened toward the large rectangular windows.
