Page 29 of The Sinner

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“Brady …”

I lowered my hands, stopping right above her ass, an area of her body I shouldn’t be touching. Fuck, I shouldn’t be touching her at all. I’d told her I didn’t care, and my actions were showing her the opposite.

I needed to let her go.

But I couldn’t.

“Yes,” I replied.

The war was back in her eyes, but this time, the emotion was replaced by something else.

Something that looked all too familiar.

It stayed there, deepening, until there was a vibration in her pocket, the nearness causing the pulse to beat through me.

A notification from her phone—it had to be that.

But as soon as it happened—that simple alert that could have been spam mail—everything changed.

Her eyes.

Her face.

Her posture.

She pulled her hands away and clamped them around the edge of the counter. “I’ll get you that drink, and I’ll bring it to your seat.” Even her voice turned a little sharp.

What the fuck?

The woman standing before me wasn’t the same woman from a few seconds ago. The two of them told very different stories.

The previous one had had a look in her eyes that told me she wanted me to take her into the bedroom that was one door away and fuck her.

And the one looking at me now was regretting that expression had ever come across her eyes.

My palms slipped to her sides, and I watched her intake the longest, deepest breath. Her lips parted, her neck became covered in tiny goose bumps, her back arched as my fingers spread.

She fucking wanted me.

But something or someone was stopping her.

My hands dropped, and before I walked back to my seat, I said, “Make it a double.”



Ican’t breathe.

That was what Brady did to me. He made it impossible for me to draw in any air. Or if there was some already in my lungs, I couldn’t release it.

My body froze.

My mind became this giant game of dodgeball, where I was constantly ducking every thought and emotion thrown my way.

I didn’t understand it.

I just knew that when his arms were around me, it felt as though nothing could ever get through. That cave between his hands and chest was the safest place ever.
