Page 26 of The Sinner

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Dominick craned his head back to look at me, a grin slowly crossing his lips. “Why are you asking?”

“Just curious.”

“Bullshit,” he shot back. “You’re never curious about the chicks you hook up with. You’re asking because she was the one woman in your life who you didn’t leave—she left you. And that’s one of the reasons you’re intrigued by her.”

“Nah.” I shook my head for emphasis. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

His brows rose. “I do? Tell me how.”

“You’re looking too deep into it. It’s not that complicated. I just asked a question. You’re acting like I fucking want to marry the woman.”

He laughed, banging my arm with his elbow. “Here’s what I got for you: I know nothing aside from her name and that Aubrey vouched for her. But to be employed by our firm, she has to have a file with HR.”

“I don’t need to see it.”

He smiled again. “I wasn’t offering to show it to you.”

“Jesus,” I groaned.

“Question: now that you know where she works, what are you going to do about it?” He crossed his legs, holding his glass near his chest.

“I’m not going to do anything about it.”

He chuckled even harder. “You mean to tell me you’ve thought about this woman for the last however many months, and you’re not even going to talk to her?”

What the hell?

Was he inside my head?

“Maybe I’ll talk to her,” I said. “But if you think I’m going to ask her out or do anything beyond a simple conversation, you’re wrong.”

“For the second time, I’m calling bullshit.”

“You can call it whatever you want. You know how I am about women. I’m not looking for a happily ever after. In my world, that doesn’t exist, nor do I want it.”

He nodded toward my glass as though he wanted me to take a drink. “You don’t think you’re being a little hardheaded?”

I turned in my seat, preparing to end this conversation.

It didn’t matter what Dominick thought. I wasn’t going there with him. Because nothing was going to happen with Lily.

But, goddamn it, she looked so fucking gorgeous—even if there was a Dalton logo above her tit.

Regardless, she’d made her decision. She’d walked out of my hotel room.

And whatever could have happened didn’t.

“Unlike the rest of you motherfuckers, I don’t want to get married, so there’s zero chance I’m ever going to settle down. You’re fighting for something that’s never going to happen. Besides, she’s the one who left. Maybe she realized she didn’t want someone like me or she couldn’t handle me. But if she wanted something, she would have left her number.”

If she had, would I have reached out?

The answer to that scared the shit out of me, so I pushed that thought far from my mind.

“All right, my man. I’ll play along and pretend you’re right about everything you’re saying. That you weren’t drooling the second you saw Lily on the plane, and had she reached for you, you wouldn’t have been putty in her hands.” He mashed his lips together. “Only one of us in this row has his senses—and it’s not you.”

I tossed back the rest of my scotch. “I need a fucking refill.”

He pointed toward the galley. “There’re no rules on this plane. Why don’t you go get one?”
