Page 25 of The Sinner

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Brady’s wealth was in a category of its own.

During all the times I’d said his name out loud and to myself, it had never registered.

But it should have.

Because he was one of the owners of Cole and Spade Hotels. The hotel we were staying in tonight. Resorts that were located all over the world. And the reason he’d gone to Edinburgh, according to the page I was reading, was because he was opening another one there.

He had a net worth that was well over a billion.

But to me, he was the man I’d given my body to post-David.

The man who had owned my mind since it had happened.

The man who wouldn’t allow the goose bumps to disappear from my skin.

As the jet began to lift off the tarmac, heading for the clouds, I slowly glanced up from my phone.

Brady was looking over his shoulder.

At me.

As our eyes locked, even more emotion began to pour through my chest. It made my body throb. It made my legs squeeze together, but for an entirely different reason than before.

What have I done?



As the wheels of the plane lifted into the air, I leaned closer to Dominick and said, “You want to hear something wild as fuck?”

“Always.” He took a drink of his scotch.

“Do you remember, a while back, when I was flying to Edinburgh for the first time to look at property? I was on the plane, and you called right before takeoff, and I was telling you there was a flight attendant on board who I was going to taste before we landed?”

“The one who showed up at your hotel room, right?” He didn’t wait for a reply before he added, “Sounded like you were impressed with her. Which is the only reason I remember her—because impressing you, my man, is no easy feat.”

When I’d returned to LA and had drinks with Dominick, he had asked about her. That was the only reason I’d told him a few of the details. Otherwise, no one else knew.

I wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who held it all in. But for some reason, I’d shared very little about Lily.

“That’s the one,” I told him. “And she happens to be your flight attendant, which shocked the hell out of me when I got on your plane.”

He smiled, his head shaking. “I wondered how you knew her.”

“How the fuck did she get this job?”

He cuffed the bottom sleeve of his button-down, moving to the other side to do the same. “We have three planes—you know that—and each plane has a full-time crew. Aubrey, the lead flight attendant for this one, was going on maternity leave. She came to us and said she had the perfect replacement while she was off, someone with years of experience. Aubrey trained her, and she’s been flying with us for a few months.”

“A few months,” I repeated.

All this fucking time, Lily had been this close, and I’d had no idea.

Although we’d only had small bits of conversation in my hotel room, I knew LA wasn’t her home base; it was Atlanta. Which meant she must have relocated to the West Coast.

But why?

“What else do you know about her?” I asked.
