Page 155 of The Sinner

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I held the outside of her arms. “You honestly look fabulous. Please don’t lose an ounce.”

“And what about you? Can we talk about that dress and how I’m dying to have your boobs and not the milk jugs that I’ve been carrying around?”

I laughed. “Once you stop breastfeeding, they’ll deflate to my size.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re funny—you know that?”

I wrapped my arm around her and faced the small group of men. “So, what are you guys doing here anyway?”

“Jenner says he has some good news for us,” Brady replied. “And for some reason, the motherfucker couldn’t just pick up the phone and call me.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jenner said. “We were actually in Ireland, doing some business, and thought with you being so close by, why not come here and tell you in person?”

“Tell me what in person?” Brady said.

Jenner put his hand on Brady’s shoulder. “The Bangkok deal is going through. Congratulations, my man. You just scored yourself another property.”

“No shit?” Brady shot back.

“The contract is signed, sealed, and”—Jenner handed Brady the envelope he was holding—“delivered.”

Brady looked at me, his eyes beaming. “We got Bangkok, baby.”

“I’m screaming for you right now.” I winked, and he knew exactly what I meant by that.

He shook hands with Jenner and then Dominick, Dominick voicing, “I’m so fucking proud of you, brother. You’re crushing it.”

Dominick was right. My man wasn’t just rehabbing Edinburgh; he was working with HR at their corporate office to streamline their entire payroll process, and he was helping Rhett and Ridge with a new app.

But he wouldn’t mention any of the backend stuff to the Daltons while they were boasting about his accolades. Because my grumpy alpha also had a bit of humility. That wasn’t something I’d seen in him at the beginning of our relationship, but it was certainly there now.

It reflected in his smile, in the way he was accepting their praise.

“I appreciate it,” Brady said. “Are you able to join us for dinner, or are you heading back to the plane?” he asked, looking at each of them.

Jenner replied, “We were planning on joining you whether you wanted us to or not.”

We all laughed.

“I’ll go let the waitress know so we can get a bigger table,” I said.

“Already done,” Aubrey responded, squeezing me. “We let the hostess know on our way in.”

“Even better.” I smiled at her.

Our waitress approached and led us to a new table on the other side of the dining room. Once everyone got seated, she took the drink orders of the newcomers and promised to bring Brady and me refills since our glasses were almost empty.

As she left, I looped my arm through Brady’s and whispered, “Bangkok. I’m dying at the thought of that.”

“We’ll be moving there right after Edinburgh.” His brows furrowed. “Won’t we?”

I grinned. “Yes, we’ll be moving there together.” I chewed my lip. “Like I could ever be away from you for more than a couple of nights. Come on.”

“Kiss me.”

“Right now?”

He growled, “Right now.”
