Page 154 of The Sinner

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A man who always kept his word.

“The secret is … Brady Spade, I’m going to love you until the day I die.”

He pointed at his lap. “Baby, get over here.”

I wiggled in my seat. “If I do, I know what you’ll do, and we’re in a restaurant. Down boy.” I took a sip. “Can I tell you something else?”

“Is it going to make me growl?”

I laughed. “When the construction is done, I’m really going to miss it here.” I glanced up at the ceiling, the way the entire place felt like you were in the belly of a castle. Even the smell, the scents that went beyond the food, gave off the same feel.

But I wasn’t just referring to the restaurant.

After all the time I’d spent in Edinburgh lately, it had really stolen a piece of my heart.

The landscape. The architecture. The residents.

All of it was a combination I loved.

“Then, I’ll buy you a house here, and we can come whenever you want.”

I smiled. “You can’t help yourself. You just have to be that kind of extra, don’t you?”

He pulled his hand back and took a drink. “When money is no object, it’s hard not to be extra.” He wiped his lips, his stare turning even more intense as he took me in. “You can think about it.”

“Or we could just stay at your hotel whenever we want to visit.”

“We could. It just doesn’t give us the privacy I’m after.”

I pushed my hair off my shoulders. “What kind of privacy do you mean?”

He leaned his arms on the table. “Like the nights I make you scream so fucking loud that I know the neighboring rooms are reporting us to the front desk.” He lifted his glass. “I don’t want my wife to have to muffle her screams or get looks from the hotel staff because they know you scream.”

He took a drink. “I want you to be able to swim and go in the hot tub naked, and I don’t want my employees looking at you in your bikini or that peach dress”—he nodded toward me—“and thinking how fucking hot you are and what they’d like to do to you. Because they’re thinking that, I promise you. And those thoughts of theirs, they drive me fucking wild.”

“They shouldn’t because I’m a million percent yours.”

His eyes closed and a warmth spread over his face. “Do you know how much I love the sound of that?”

Something in the distance was dragging my attention away from Brady’s face.

It was a gaze that I could feel directly on me.

When I finally located it, a smile moved quickly across my lips. “You’re not going to believe who’s walking through this restaurant right now.”


“Dominick, Jenner, and”—I craned my neck to the side to see who was hiding behind Jenner and squealed—“Aubrey!”

“What the fuck?” He looked over his shoulder just as the three of them were approaching our table, and he stood. “What the hell are you guys doing here?”

While he man-hugged Dominick and Jenner, I threw my arms around my girl. “I can’t believe you’re here—in Scotland, my gosh. It’s so good to see you.”

“Same, girl. Same. When the guys said we were stopping here, I thought about texting you, but I figured surprising you would be even better.”

I pulled back just a little. “You look amazing.”

“Stop.” She waved me off. “I have fifteen pounds I still need to lose. They’re the stubbornest pounds ever.” She sighed.
