Page 147 of The Sinner

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I didn’t immediately press the green Call button.

I focused on it for several minutes.

It wasn’t that I was wavering on my decision.

I knew what needed to be done.

I just needed a fucking moment to get my head straight.

And as though David could hear my thoughts and wanted to confirm I was making the right decision, a text from him came across my goddamn screen.


Too afraid to leave your house? Unsure where I’m going to hit next?

Jesus, you’re a fucking baby.

A real man would come out and face me.


I’ve given you every opportunity to face me. You’d rather do everything behind my back. Because you’re afraid of what will happen if I get my hands on you.


I think we both know I’m not afraid of anything.

He wouldn’t say that when Bale confronted him.


I returned to the keypad and hit the green Call button.

Within two rings, my call was answered, and I heard, “Brady Spade.”

Bale knew my name and must have had my number saved in his phone. I wasn’t surprised. Someone in his line of work didn’t get random calls and was tipped off before his number was handed out.

In this case, I was sure Dominick had let him know I would be phoning soon.

What was interesting was that Dominick had told me Bale would answer regardless of the time.

It was four in the morning.

Apparently, Bale nor David ever slept.

“Bale …” I replied.

“What can I do for you?”

I moved his card into the top drawer of my desk. “There’s a man.” My eyes closed as I envisioned David’s face, which I’d only ever seen through pictures. “David.”

“David …” Bale repeated. “Yes.”

“How does this work?”

“I’m going to text you an address. We’ll meet there and discuss things a little more in detail.”

I rubbed my hand over the top of my head. “I have a tail.”
