Page 146 of The Sinner

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My hands shook as they clung together, fingers knotted.

I knew … I knew David wouldn’t stop. I knew his fearlessness would take things to a point where someone would eventually die. An innocent bystander David murdered just to get back at Brady.

I couldn’t let that happen.

I wouldn’t let that guilt be on me.

My eyes opened, my lips purging, “I love you.”

“Lily, I need you to answer me.”

I couldn’t tell him to do it. I couldn’t give that order and live with myself. So, I nodded and whispered, “Yes,” before I collapsed in his arms.



One of my favorite parts about every evening was watching Lily sleep. The way her face was so relaxed and beautiful. Peaceful. Her breathing quiet and rhythmic. Her fingers usually clinging to me, like she needed to know I wasn’t going anywhere, but tonight, there was a pillow under her hand. And she was breathing harder than normal, her expression a mix of emotion, the dream appearing as though it wasn’t a good one.

I could understand.

It had been a hard evening.

But it hadn’t ended when she gave me the answer I wanted to hear. What followed was a deep, thorough conversation, filled with details she needed to understand.

How it would work.

Who would be doing it.

How I’d gotten Bale’s information.

Was there a chance I could get blamed? Could it be traced back to me? Would it stay confidential?

Did the family know?

Would anyone say anything?

The inquiries went on for quite some time, early into the morning. She was emotional, apprehensive, and with good reason.

This decision would be final.

It would change everything.

It shouldn’t be taken lightly from any angle.

And it wasn’t.

I’d been thinking about it since Dominick had placed Bale’s number in my hand. But for Lily, this was all new. It was something she hadn’t even considered. In fact, her plan had been to end our relationship so she wouldn’t put anyone at risk.

God, that gorgeous woman was willing to sacrifice so much.

But I wouldn’t let that happen. Because even if she left, that didn’t mean David would stop. He wasn’t exactly a man of his word; I couldn’t trust anything he said.

The only thing I could trust was that he couldn’t hurt anyone I loved when he was dead.

I waited until I was positive she was sound asleep, a slumber so deep that she wouldn’t feel me leaving the bed or hear me quietly walking out of the bedroom. With Bale’s card and my cell in my hand, I went into my office and shut the door, flipping on the light before making my way over to my desk.

I set the card on the wooden desktop, staring at the numbers before I unlocked my phone and pulled up the keypad and hit the appropriate digits.
