Page 137 of The Sinner

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“Six to eight months is my guess.” He traced his thumb over my bottom lip. “I can tell you one thing: there’s no fucking way I’m going to let my wife be away from me for that long.”

My eyes widened. “Your wife?”

“And if it were up to me, my wife would be moving to Bangkok with me.” His other hand left my ass, and both palms were now holding my face. “I won’t make that decision for you. But I don’t want to be away from you, and I hope you don’t want to be away from me.”

“What …” As my voice trailed off, I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes, waiting for the intensity in his expression to die down. It didn’t. It just continued to see right through me, confirming the seriousness of what he’d just said. A statement that had taken my breath away. “That’s a title I’ve never been called before.”

“It’s not just a title, Lily. It’s going to be a reality very soon.”



“Hey!” Cooper yelled to get my attention from the other side of the van, a vehicle large enough to hold our entire party. “You planned one hell of a trip, my brother.” He put his arm around Rowan’s shoulders. “We had a blast.”

The old me would have smirked and taken the credit. Because I just didn’t give a fuck.

But Lily was right; there was a change. I felt it in everything I did and the things I said.

And it was all because of her.

“You mean, our assistant planned one hell of a trip.” I knew Bangkok well enough that I had a preference on where I wanted all of us to stay, but she had booked our spa visits and the sightseeing and every restaurant we had eaten at.

“Who gives a shit who planned it?” Macon said. “This was fun as hell.”

Brooklyn put her hands up in the air. “I second that.”

“You know we loved every second of it,” Jo added.

“Fuck yeah,” Jenner agreed.

I linked my fingers through Lily’s and pulled her closer.

Goddamn it, she smelled good. The pineapple coming on strong since she’d just showered.

“I’m glad you guys came.”

My stare landed on Rhett and Ridge. They’d joined us yesterday, staying just long enough to view the properties Jenner had found, get in a little relaxation, some dinner, before flying home with us this morning. What was wild was that I’d actually had a good time with them. Rhett had loosened up a bit, and Ridge was more talkative than he’d ever been.

“And I’m glad you guys came too. It was nice to see you both relax.” I let out a chuckle to let them know I was giving them shit.

Ridge laughed. “I’m not going to lie … I wish I’d been able to come sooner and spend some more time here.”

My brows rose. “Was that a compliment?”

“Probably the biggest one I could ever give you,” he replied.

I pounded his fist. “I’ll take it.” I turned my focus to Rhett. “And you? Can I count you in for the next trip?”

“I came to this one, didn’t I?”

That was Rhett’s way of giving a compliment.

I knew his style.

Before Lily, I would have said the same thing.

I held out my balled-up fist to him. “Happy you did.”
