Page 136 of The Sinner

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“We should?”

“Yes.” I hugged him tighter. “They’re Rowan’s brothers. They’re your partners, and technically, they’re my bosses. We should spend as much time with them as possible.”

“At the moment, I’d just like to focus on how you feel in this fucking bikini.” His hands rubbed down my back, around my ass, and up my sides. “Fuck me, I wish there weren’t anyone in this pool right now.”

“I think this position is getting you a little too worked up.” I tried to wiggle, but he wasn’t letting me go anywhere.

“It’s not the position, Lily. You could be wearing a goddamn snowsuit, and we could be in the center of a fucking snowbank, freezing to death, and I’d feel the same way.”

That feeling.

How did he do it?

How did he consistently make me experience it?

They were just words, yet they were so much more with him.

I kissed him.

And then I kissed him again, but slower this time, tasting the sun and pool and French fry on his lips.

When I pulled away, his hard-on was pressing against me.

I had two options. I could either go up to the room with him—something I wanted more than anything—but that meant we wouldn’t be seeing the group for at least an hour, and I really thought we needed to join Rhett and Ridge, or I could change the subject.

“You know,” I started, “every morning, during our walk, the girls can’t stop saying how blown away they are by you.”

He chuckled. “And what does that mean?”

I ran my hands over his scruff. A thickness that I loved feeling with my fingers and when it scratched the sensitive skin between my legs. He wasn’t allowed to ever shave it.

“Apparently, you’re a whole new guy, and they love the version you’ve turned into.”

“You mean, an emoji with heart eyes?” he growled. “You guys weren’t exactly quiet on the plane.”

I laughed. “They’ve been calling you that ever since.”

“I know. Macon and Cooper found out about it and have been giving me endless shit.” He aimed his tip against me. “Which I’m fine with because it’s true.” His hands returned to my ass, palming each cheek.

He was slowly moving us through the water. He wasn’t bringing us over to Ridge and Rhett; he was just circling the section of pool that was surrounded by the suites our group was staying in.

Brady had booked the highest-rated hotel in Bangkok for us to stay in. After touring a few of the available properties, the six other partners agreed with the one Brady had picked to purchase, and Jenner was going to submit the offer. Once the Edinburgh remodel was finished, Bangkok would be his newest destination. And when that happened, his hotel would be the highest-rated resort in the city.

But with that decision came questions.

Many that had been filling my head over the last few days.

“How long do you think the rehab here is going to take?” I asked.


I arched my neck, soaking my hair in the water before I faced him. “I assume you’re going to move here, it’s too far to go back and forth weekly. That means the plane will be used by your other partners, and I’ll be everywhere but here.”

Not that I minded working for his other partners—that wasn’t the issue. It was the thought of being away from Brady for any extended period of time. I didn’t like the idea of that at all.

“You’re saying you’re going to miss me?” He dived into my neck, kissing up my ear and across my cheek until his lips were hovering over mine. “Is that what I’m hearing?”

“I think that goes without saying.”
