Page 125 of The Sinner

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Stay away from her. I’m warning you, David. Don’t take my words lightly, I’ll fucking kill you myself.


You make me laugh.

Just like the grin that was on her face now, as we were tucked in a corner table of a restaurant with an interior that was designed to look like a castle. We’d started with an appetizer of oysters and shellfish bisque, and while Lily was digging into her main course of lamb, I was nursing my grilled lemon sole.

I didn’t want this meal to ever end—it was that fucking good.

This was our fourth trip to Scotland. One of the best parts about being in a new city with my girl was getting a break from the food in LA, establishments I’d gone to with other women, and getting to check out restaurants with her that I’d never eaten at before.

“Goddamn it, this is exceptional.” I glanced up from my plate to see that gorgeous smile was still across her lips. “Is yours as good as mine?” I reached my fork over the length of the table and took a small chunk of her lamb, popping it into my mouth. “Fuck, that’s delicious too.”

“I’ve been moaning over every bite. You haven’t heard me?”

Because of the tall ceiling, the sound spread, and it was slightly noisy in here. Not a bad thing at all, but it had prevented me from hearing those tiny little groans.

“If I had, my dick would be hard right now.”

She laughed. “Tell me you’re going to have a restaurant like this in your hotel so I can dream about eating this again and again.” She moved some blonde locks off her cheek.

“I am—the meat part at least. You haven’t met the Westons yet—a family of five who specialize in high-end steak houses. They’re going to open their signature restaurant, Charred.”

“We went to their LA location, didn’t we?”

I nodded. “One of the brothers plays for the NHL—that’s the game we were attending when we flew to Tampa.”

“I’m connecting the dots.” She wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Does that mean you’ll be kicking out the three restaurants that are in the hotel now?”

Even though it was under construction, the hotel was still operating. We’d broken the rehab into sections, so many parts of the hotel were still functional. Floors would get renovated one at a time, giving plenty of rooms for us to rent out, and restaurants would close similarly—when one left, a new one would come in, allowing guests to have places to eat in the interim. We were trying to make the process as seamless and convenient for everyone while maintaining a steady stream of revenue.

“Yes,” I replied. “The current restaurants don’t provide the five-star quality of food I’m looking for, so they’re gone. Aside from Charred, there will be two others that will focus on local cuisines, providing experiences that will blow their minds.”

I lifted my glass of scotch, holding it while I stared at her. “I want to tell you something. Something I’ve been keeping from you.”

“Change of subject, I see.” Her brows shot up. “Something you’ve been keeping from me, huh?”

I took a drink and set down the tumbler. “Well, I didn’t want to say anything until I was positive.”

“Okay …” She placed her fork on the side of her plate.

I knew how her brain worked. She thought that whatever I was going to say was going to be about David.

It irritated me to no end how that asshole wedged himself into conversations and thoughts without anyone even mentioning his name.

I was ready for that to never happen again.

“I told you that Jenner was getting me a list of properties in Bangkok because that’s where I want my next build-out to be.”

She sat up straighter in her chair, and before I got a chance to continue, she said, “Actually, if we’re being technical, I told you I heard a rumor that Bangkok was going to be your next location. That’s when you told me he was gathering a list.” As her face warmed, she winked.

“That’s right.” I chuckled. “Regardless, the purchase is going to happen. Over the last week, I reviewed all the available properties, and at the beginning of next month, on our way back from Scotland, I’m going to pick up the family in LA and head there to look at them.” I paused, really taking in her eyes. “I’d like you to come with us.”

Her face tilted to the side. “The whole family?”

“The whole family,” I repeated. “Including Jenner and Jo. And we’re going to stay for several days and vacation at one of the prospective hotels.” I chuckled again. “So, we’ll all be together.”
