Page 124 of The Sinner

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How does it feel that you’re trying to keep me out and I continue to find a hole to get in? Does it hurt that you can’t protect her? Does it, Brady? You’re a fucking joke.


You haven’t laid a finger on her, and I guarantee you won’t. That’s protection. That’s the comfort I can provide.


But I laid a finger on her panties, and she wore them the next day with my scent all over them. That’s called satisfaction.


You’re a sick fuck.

He’d backed me into a corner, and the asshole knew it. Because Lily was adamant about not going to the police, saying that it wouldn’t fare well for us, given that David had the Atlanta law enforcement sitting in the palm of his hand. When I mentioned that this wasn’t Georgia, that I’d be dealing with the troop in LA, her answer didn’t change. She said it didn’t matter what police department was contacted; David would continue to get away with what he was doing because he was an expert at disappearing.

My fucking hands were tied.

My frustration was building.

How the hell did I make him stop?

Until I had that answer, all I could do was step up the security that surrounded us.

Diesel had now traveled back and forth to Edinburgh the three times we’d gone so far. During those trips he took with us on the new plane, I parked him outside my room whenever we were gone. And while I was working during the day, he was with Lily, and just like when she had been employed by the Daltons, he wasn’t to leave her side.


You’re one jealous dude. Jealous of how much power I still have over her. Jealous that she thinks of me.


There’s no jealousy. There doesn’t need to be. If Lily wanted you, she wouldn’t be with me. End of story.


But will she always think of me? Fuck yes. Is it my dick she fantasizes about when she touches herself, alone in her hotel room during the nights you work late? Fuck yes.


I’m done engaging. You’re one nasty motherfucker.

These were messages she didn’t need to see. That she didn’t need to stress over. That she didn’t need to know even existed. What I wanted was for her to continue living freely, like she had been since I’d hired Diesel as her bodyguard. She would not go back to spending her days inside our hotel room, feeling like she was locked in a prison. Edinburgh was a large city, and she needed to spend time exploring and enjoying everything it had to offer.

Because there was nothing better in this world than a happy, smiling Lily.


Now that you just got home, how was your trip to Edinburgh?

Do you really think Lily enjoys following you back and forth to Scotland like a little puppy? You’ve taken away her identity and made her your shadow.


I’m protecting her from you.


If I wanted to put my hands on her, do you really think Diesel could stop me? Do better, Brady. Do much fucking better.
