Page 117 of The Sinner

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“That I won’t have to miss your lips while I’m in Edinburgh. That I’ll be able to do this whenever I want.”

There was a raging hard-on in my pants.

One that had sprouted the second she gave me her answer.

One that reminded me whenever I wanted her pussy in Scotland, in addition to her lips, I’d be able to have that too.

One that couldn’t wait to sink into her.

“More sweetness. I can’t even handle it.” A smile covered all the skin that wasn’t hidden by my hands.

If she heard the thoughts in my head, she wouldn’t agree with her last statement.

“Let’s inhale this dinner so I can show you a side that isn’t as sweet.”

“Hurry.” She laughed. “Please.”

I released her to grab two plates, dropping twirls of noodles and sauce on each one, and carried them to the table. On my next trip, I added napkins and silverware, along with the glasses of wine that I’d poured before we began to cook.

“I don’t know why … but I’m nervous to try this,” she joked as she dipped her fork into the pasta.

“It can’t be that bad. It’s cooked. It’s mixed. It just might not be …” I took in a mouthful. “Shit, this is good.”

Her eyes widened as she chewed. “I know … this is kinda excellent. Like way better than I expected.”

The sauce was flavorful, and the meat was savory. The noodles were a little overdone, but it wasn’t a deal-breaker.

“I don’t hate it.” I circled my fork through the heap and chomped up my second bite. “I think I actually like it.”

“Same.” She swallowed. “I really like it in fact.”

But even though I continued to eat, chewing several more bunches of noodles, they weren’t hitting the spot.

They weren’t filling me.

They weren’t giving me what I needed.

I set my fork down and got up, grabbing the bottle of wine from the counter, and knelt on the floor beside her. I slid her chair until she was facing me.

A smile immediately reached her lips. “You’re already full?”

I chuckled. “Not even close.”

I moved her legs around my waist, and I lifted her off the chair, pushing her plate and wine so I could place her on the table. I got straight to work on her jeans, yanking them down, past her bare feet. I didn’t bother with her panties; I just ripped those fuckers off.

“But what I am is thirsty as hell, and the only glass I want to use is you.”

My face nestled between her legs, and I held the bottle above her pussy, pouring the dark red cabernet down her clit. I kept my mouth beneath her, catching the slow stream, not letting a drop hit the floor.

“Oh my God.”

I glanced up, catching eyes that were watching me.

That were fucking smoldering.

I splashed more down her body, lapping the drips as they ran over that perfect, gorgeous pussy.

“You are …”
